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Author Archive | Denis Ledoux

family myths

Shaping your memoir: The mythic journey of your life

You have undertaken to write the mythic journey of your life. We read memoirs for many reasons. These reasons can perhaps be summarized into two: we want to be entertained and we need to be informed. In this post on the mythic journey of your life, I want to write about the second of those […]

best ebook production

Why You Need an Ebook

While in the past I had published only hard-copy versions of my books, I have increasingly included a digital version. It just makes sense, and I would advise writers that they need an ebook. Ebooks are on the ascendancy are more and more a viable publication option. Every year, their share of the book-reading audience […]

exact word

Why Use Precise Speech?

Many memoir writers are under the impression that you need to have an extensive vocabulary to write. An extensive vocabulary can only help you–if by “extensive” you mean many precise words, not just big ones.

memoir or autobiographical fiction

Which Voice Will Write Your Memoir?

Choose A Voice To Write From Choosing a voice is imperative. This may sound like a joke, but it’s not. In fact, it is a very serious question that will determine-or at least greatly influence-the tone and the theme of your narrative. “But, I’m writing my memoirs!” you might answer. Yes, of course. It’s you! […]

write for a larger audience

Why You Should Work With a Coach or an Editor Early in the Process

Clients will often come to me after having done a considerable amount of writing. Sometimes I will receive 200- and 300-page manuscripts. Among them are manuscripts that are really at the editing stage, but… There are too many that are still—in spite of their polished look on the page—in an early stage of development.

checking a memoir ghostwriter's references

Why Choose a Ghostwriter?

Realize Your Dream: Choose a Ghostwriter “Between you and me, I’m never going to do this,” said the woman on the other end of the phone line, a woman who was signed up for my forthcoming workshop here in Maine.


Ready to hire a ghostwriter? Here’s what to ask.

Ready to hire a ghostwriter? Here’s what to ask. 1. Will the ghostwriter “work for hire” or will s/he want a stake in the product? A for-hire writer is paid either by the hour or by the project and has no legal authorship rights. The rights to such a book are entirely yours. This is […]

the memoir writing process

Is this really a memoir? You tell me…

I wrote a lengthy reply to Gayle to her question concerning my recent post, “Another Memoir Finished: What Was the Writing Process?” She asked a legitimate question about whether A Sugary Frosting is really a memoir: “Can you call it a memoir when you embellish the writings of your wife and even added stories that […]

Teaching Memoir Writing

Teaching Memoir Writing – 3 Tips For Making Your Vision Real

Teaching Memoir Writing – Your Vision Can Become Real Writing a vision statement can be stimulating for you as a teacher. Your memoir writing company’s vision statement is a personal reminder you make to yourself about how the work you are planning will sustain you emotionally and make you into a better person. A vision […]