The Story of Why My Parents Came Down
While my parents were immigrants to the US, they had not really come to be immigrants. My father’s health had been affected by the tiny, deadly filaments called asbestos dust in his hometown…
The Importance of Education: High School Memories – 1930s
As I was finishing my sophomore year in June of 1937, Robert was graduating from Holy Family School. As when I graduated, my parents did nothing special to mark the occasion…
Suspects and Prospects in the Marketing Pipeline
Making consistent use of your marketing pipeline has to be a paramount focus if you are to succeed as a memoir professional. When people contact you as a result of your general outreach, they enter your pipeline. Some people who enter your pipeline only want general info while others are ready to hire help for […]
Branding Yourself: Making a Public Presence for Your Work
“Branding”—isn’t that about steers? Or Coca-Cola and Nike? What’s that got to do with the home-based lifewriting practitioner? Do I really need to be concerned with mega-corporate buzzwords like “branding”? In a word, yes. Why? Because if you are making a public presence for your work, your brand is being made whether you are aware […]
Mary Anne Benedetto: Amazon Best Seller Two Days in a Row!
A note from Mary Anne Benedetto, a Soleil Memoir Professional from Murrell’s Inlet, SC. about the recent success of her novel Eyelash on Amazon. Hang onto your hats…
The Marketing Pipeline for Memoir Professionals: Keep it Flowing!
A concept that I have found crucial in organizing my marketing efforts for The Memoir Network is that of “the marketing pipeline for memoir professionals.” As a business person, I—and you—ignore the memoir marketing pipeline to our great peril. We must always be aware of having the pipeline full of prospects. This is an ongoing […]
What I Have Been Reading
I have been immersed in The Lost by Daniel Mendelsohn. It is the story of his multi-year search for the details of the murder of six of his relatives during the Holocaust.
My Mother’s Memoir Book
s they say, none of us are getting any younger and, this year, I (and each of my siblings) have seemed to help my mother take care of more things. At 89, she still lives alone but that is made possible by the support she receives. So, I realized that it was not too early […]