The Curriculum Manual
The Curriculum Manual is a proven, easy-to-use guide to lead successful workshops.
Our memoir workshop Curriculum Manual was tested over years as Denis Ledoux taught writing in varied venues—senior centers, university classrooms, writing retreats, pull-out high school groups, libraries, in his office, etc.
Over the years of trial and error, of refining my presentation, I have worked out the kinks in leading a memoir workshop. I have noticed that when I deviate from this memoir workshop curriculum, I can find myself at an impasse. ‘Why aren’t my writers getting it?’ I might wonder. Then I realize I skipped a step—or have reversed some. I have to go back and cover the material as it is laid out in the memoir workshop Curriculum Manual. It’s that tightly written.
Denis Ledoux
What you will find in the Curriculum Manual.
The Curriculum Manual was written by an M.A.ED. with years of teaching experience behind him. He poured all his knowledge into creating the best memoir writing curriculum you’ll find anywhere at any price. This teaching tool is a keeper.
Here are some key features of the memoir workshop Curriculum Manual.
- a set of teaching and management guidelines that apply to all workshops modalities.
- a thorough treatment of the unique group editing process that is applied to build trust and skill.
- nine different workshop models each adapted from the basic curriculum.
- daily and hourly workshop schedules you can use as is.
- a generous list of developmental workshop exercises and effective home assignments.
- a bonus section on leading journal-writing workshops.
Your next step
If you wish to purchase the memoir workshop curriculum as a stand alone, click here.
A reminder: the Curriculum Manual is part of the Memoir Professional Package. If you now prefer to purchase the entire Memoir Professional Package and be taken back to the MPP page, click here. A purchase funnel is available on that page.