The Memorable Story
Our “Write Your Memoir Now” Program!
A university-quality education in an inexpensive online program:
A warm Welcome from Denis Ledoux and The Memoir Network Team
You are a click away from guidance essential to writing interesting and meaningful memoir.
This program will see you to the completion of your first draft—and your second and your third!
Perhaps you are, or you were, a nurse or a businessman or a housewife, or whatever—but you weren’t a writer by a long shot!
You’ve felt a stirring within—or perhaps it’s more of an avalanche—to write about something in your life. This something is an aspect that was perhaps unique or something that you handled well and would like to share with someone—even with the world.
Thousands of people—just like you—have stood where you now stand. They have wondered if they could write a memoir that would be interesting and meaningful, that would pull the reader through to the end and provide a glimpse of a life well lived—or at least well redeemed.
Writing a memoir won’t always be easy but you can learn to navigate the ups and the downs successfully. You can learn to write an interesting and meaningful memoir to be proud of—and I’m here also to tell you that there is much help available.
I’ve written many memoirs—both for myself or for others. I’ve helped many people, people just like you, and I’ve now designed a self-paced writing program to help you succeed—at home at your own pace. It’s called The Memorable Story / Write Your Memoir Now Program, and you can register and download your first module today.
For a relatively small investment of time and money, you can learn to work your way around the intricacies of writing your first memoir draft—and to write it with confidence!
Before working with Denis Ledoux, I never thought I would publish a book.
Susan Myrtetus Lorentzen, NJ,
Down Over Normandy/The Life of John Myrtetus
I’m sure you decided, at many points in your life, to undertake something that challenged you—or even frightened you. Perhaps it was enrolling in a dance class. You and your partner registered, but felt that the reality was you couldn’t do it, that perhaps you could not learn to dance.
You dragged yourself to the first class and you and your partner stood—a bit apprehensive—in the hallway leading to the classroom. Perhaps you were a bit late. Music was already playing from within. Hesitant to enter the dance studio, you looked at each other for support. Then you opened the door.
You could see there was not, at that moment, a Fred Astaire among the dancers—as you had feared. They were all beginners. You thought, “Everyone has to begin as a beginner. Everyone starts out without much skill. We can do this.”
In the same way, every memoir writer begins as a beginner. And…
Every accomplished writer was once a beginning writer.
You can succeed at writing a memoir. Register to download The Memorable Story/ Write Your Memoir Now Program. Let it be your roadmap on your journey to memoir writing success.
Denis Ledoux and The Memoir Network Team
You’re at the right place to find answers to your many questions as you focus on writing an interesting and meaningful memoir.
Questions such as:
- the people in my stories. Are they characters like in fiction or do they pose real differences? Or, do I treat them differently? How to best write about them?
- Can I manipulate what happened to create more drama? Is it all right to make things up?
- Sometimes “point of view” has several meanings! How do I distinguish among them? Is it important to do that?
In The Memorable Story / Write Your First Memoir Draft Program, you will learn to be skillful with crucial aspects of writing. Yes, you might—possibly—write a great memoir without this knowledge—and, of course, you might win the lottery today.
But just as you are more likely to get rich the old fashion way of working, saving and investing, you are much more likely to write a good memoir if you do something really old-fashioned—like study basic elements of writing laid out for you in The Memorable Story / Write Your First Memoir Draft Program! This course of instruction provides a study of basic writing elements that are re-enforced with hands-on exercises.
The Memorable Story makes learning so easy!
- No need to dress and drive somewhere.
- No need to show up for a specific time. Pick the next lesson up when you have time.
- Proceed as slow or as fast as you want to. Two lessons one day and then no lesson for two weeks! Your choice. Your pace.
- You’re a reader who loves the print page? Read the program on your screen, your electronic device or print it out and place in a three-ring binder. The course even comes with a cover to insert in a front sleeve on your binder.
- You’re more of an audio person? Listen to The Memorable Story / Write Your First Memoir Draft Program! as you work around the house or as you drive—or even as you sit down to take notes! Then listen to it again and then… listen to it again! It’s that convenient.
- Of course, we’ll probably switch from one modality to another… hey, why not!
- Go back, jump forward, or go along in the order the lessons are presented.
Here’s what you will learn in The Memorable Story / Write Your First Memoir Draft Program:
Denis Ledoux has helped thousands of people to get started on their memoirs.
TIME Magazine, April 12, 1999
- (Orientation Module): to relax your doubts about writing. Wouldn’t you love to stop approaching creating a memoir as rocket science?
- (Module 1): to make conscious the inner blocks that are slowing you down and work through them. They waste your time and stop you from writing as well as you could. Dissolve your inner blocks!
- (Module 2): to appreciate why pre-writing is so important and which pre-writing tasks are the most effective and what prep work is not to be put off. Learn to write efficiently and effectively.
- (Module 3): to make sense of the multitude of information you have gathered for your memoir. And then confidently start to write since you’ll now have an approach that is sound!
- (Module 4): to recognize and manipulate the first of the six writing basics of a memoir narrative. Wouldn’t you love to create more vivid characters? It is fundamental to generating an interesting memoir.
- (Module 5): to master and implement the next of the six writing basics of a memoir narrative. A narrative with strong dramatic development is fundamental to generating a memoir that keeps readers reading. Yes, every memoir needs action.
- (Modules 6 and 7): to add setting to your memoir as your third writing basic. Ground your story in time and place and assure your reader about the authenticity of your tale. Great setting accomplishes this imperative.
- (Module 8): to express the fourth writing basic: theme. Theme is the soul of your story. Don’t write a story without soul. Without theme, your story is a chronology and not a memoir.
- (Module 9): to listen to the voice of your characters and make use of dialog. This is your fifth writing basic. Your reader needs to hear your characters speak, but you must know the difference between what to put into dialog and what to put into the narrative.
- (Module 10): to write your story in scenes, to linger with your text, to respect the primacy of “show and don’t tell,” and more for your sixth writing basic. Learn to bring your reader along with these basic tools!
This guy really knows what he’s talking about!
Amazon reviewer
Here’s a breakdown of what you receive in The Memorable Story / Write Your First Memoir Draft Program:
- Instructional Modules (11). Instruction is presented in both audio and print formats. (See content outline.) When you download each module, you are offered two formats to choose from—and you can download both!
- Action Steps. Numerous hands-on applications offer writing practice in every module of the program. What you do you master! Many of the Action Steps lead you to producing vignettes and stories that will figure into your final memoir!
- Memoir Writing Assignments (10). Each module contains a generous list of valuable writing topics (sometimes called “prompts”) to stimulate your writing. Time and again, you will return to these assignments as you flesh out your memoir. Just these assignments are worth the price of the program. These assignments will also produce material for your finished memoir.
- Affirmations (11). Affirmations address hesitations and reluctance at every step of the process. The Affirmation Lists are provided in print and audio formats. Affirmations get you on your side by making it possible to write from the inside out.
- The Memoir Reference Library. Books and e-books that elaborate on knowledge and skills you need to master. The Memorable Story / Write Your First Memoir Draft Program is a continuing writing education at its best. As my high-school history teacher used to tell us: “The more you know the better.” The library is “open” to you throughout the program. Once you download items, they are available to you forever.
- The Memoir Lyceum. A growing collection of presentations offered you as bonus MP3s. The Memoir Lyceum presents “just in time” memoir-writing instruction beyond the modules. Learn while you drive or while you are poking around. Once you download the presentations, they are yours to learn from—now and anytime.
I remember your delightful teaching fondly. Thanks for all the help. It made such a difference!
Mara Kirk Hart, MFA, Duluth, MN
Author of So Many Lovely Days / The Greenwich Village Years
The bonuses alone are worth the price of the course:
- You receive a 20% discount on the companion program the Inspired Memoir Writer Group Coaching Program.
- An incredible number of bonus MP3s included with each Module. Many are 30 to 60 minutes long:
Using Voice Recognition Software
Getting Started
Journals & Memoirs
Turning Memories Into Memoirs, A Handbook for Writing Lifestories, Part 1
Turning Memories Into Memoirs, A Handbook for Writing Lifestories, Part 2
Turning Memories Into Memoirs, A Handbook for Writing Lifestories, Part 3
Turning Memories Into Memoirs, A Handbook for Writing Lifestories, Part 4
A Chat with Kaye (Kaye Bewley of BewleyBooksPlus)
Theme in Memoir
Developing A Writing Practice
Facts Behind the Story - You will also receive The Lifewriter’s Memory Binder (PDF) to organize you memoir notes.
Still have questions? Check out our FAQ.
This program is distance learning at its best! Sooner than you now think possible, you will be holding an eminently interesting and meaningful memoir in your hands. Together, we can make publication happen within the next year!
Denis Ledoux
Guided by The Memorable Story / Write Your First Memoir Draft Program, You Will Produce the Best Memoir You Are Capable of.
The Introductory Module for the The Memorable Story / Write Your First Memoir Draft Program will be available immediately. Module #1 will arrive in seven days and subsequent modules will also be available every seven days. There is an option to download the whole program in one shot, but we do not recommend it as the guarantee below does not apply in that case.

There is nothing to lose when you purchase the The Memorable Story / Write Your First Memoir Draft Program. If you feel you aren’t getting your money’s worth, let us know within 10 days of your purchase, and we will see to it that your money is refunded. No questions asked.
This is a risk-free opportunity to begin writing your first memoir draft with the support and guidance you deserve.
We are confident you will find the materials extremely valuable to your memoir writing.
The guarantee is not available to writers who choose to download the entire program immediately.