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Below are some of the Frequently Asked Questions about a Manuscript Review.

Q. What is the difference between a Manuscript Review and Editing?

A. When you ask for editing, you receive a detailed feedback that may include detailed suggestions for rewriting. In a manuscript review, you will not receive a report of this paragraph or that sentence is needing work because of an issue. Your reviewer may or may not share more. The consultation at the end of the process is where you would ask your questions. Editing is a closer hand-holding.manuscript review FAQ

Q. At what point in the writing would I ask for a review?

A. Generally most people would ask for a review once you have completed their writing. But review of early pages can help a writer make changes to both subsequent pages and to influence the writing of subsequent pages.

Q. Do I pay for the review all at once?

A. Yes, you buy one of the packages and pay it upfront. Exceptionally, we can provide for three payments. The review continues once you have purchased another third of the process.

Q. What if you find the manuscript needs much work? Do you tell me right off the bat?

A. Yes, we would. It’s natural enough for a writer to overestimate the quality of a text. If we found that the review is essentially a waste of your money, we would tell you and offer you the option of continuing with coaching or editing. The balance of your payment would then be applied to the new service.

Q. Can I receive parts of the manuscript as its review is completed? manuscript review FAQ

A. Yes, if that is what you wish. We would continue to have a copy of the original review pages and might refer to them and make subsequent evaluations as we contemplate the whole text.

A Complimentary Consultation

Call today for a 30-minute complimentary consultation to assess your need for a manuscript review.