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The Memorable Story: Your university-quality opportunity in an inexpensive, convenient online writing program!


Module 1: Inner WorkMemoryList

A. What do you want to write?
B. Why do you want to write?
C. Whom are you writing for? Audience.
D. Affirmations
E. Writer’s notebook

Module 2: Outer Work

A. The Memory List
B.  Gathering information

~  Journal writing and the memoir writer
~  Studying documents: articles, certificates, diplomas
~  Photos
~  Interviewing

C. Setting up your writing space for success

Module 3: Starting to Write

A. Where is the starting point? How to continue?
B. As long as you want and as brief
C. Fast writing / slow writing /lingering

Module 4: Building Block 1: Character

A. Gaining perspective
B. Borrowing from fiction
C. Where memoir excels fiction
D. You as a character
E. Use the five senses: show not tell

Module 5: Building Block 2: Dramatic Development

A. Write plot into a memoir
B. Action in writing is essential
C. Structure your memoir for plot
D. Does conflict really belong in your memoir?
E. What makes for an interesting memoir?
F. How to present daily, ordinary details with drama

Module 6: Building Block 3: Setting

A. Stories don’t happen in the abstract
B. Context is everything
C. Setting as usually understood
D. How much setting is enough?
E. Verisimilitude
F. The other aspect of “where”
G. Writing effective setting

Module 7: Building Block 4: Theme

A. The life of your memoir
B. The 3 AM voice
C. Inherited themes
D. Organic themes
E. Your personal universal truths
F. Shaping your theme
G. Finding theme easily

Module 8: Building Block 5: Dialog

A. The voice of your characters
B. Listen carefully but don’t copy
C. Direct and indirect dialog
D. Know what to put into dialog and what to put into the narrative
E. Writing effective dialog

Module 9: Building Block 6: Scene

A. Show don’t tell
B. Let’s look at the movies
C. Economy in creating scene
D. Effective scene creation
E. Linking scenes

Module 10: Wrapping Up Your First Memoir Draft

A. How to recognize the end of this writing stage
B. Set yourself up for a successful second draft
C. Learn basic self-editing techniques and get ready for polishing your story
D. Learn basic self-editing  techniques
E. Assess your manuscript
F. Get ready for polishing your story in the follow up program


I had nearly given up the idea of writing anything meaningful, simply because I didn’t really know from which angle to tell which story. With the common sense, simple directives you have given us, and the asset of your program, I feel that I have someone looking over my shoulder nudging me on the way. Knowing that others are encountering problems but are still writing regularly is a boost every time I sit down to write.

—Teresa Rubio


Register Now: $199

The Memorable Story / Write Your First Draft Program is an individualized, self-paced, memoir-writing program consisting of 10 modules and 12 group-coaching calls to help you write your memoir.




The The Memorable Story/ Write Your First Memoir Draft Program is available on a rolling basis. Whenever you want to start, it is there for you. You need to take a break? No problem! You can resume anytime.

OUR FULL GUARANTEEsatisfaction guarantee

There is nothing to lose when you purchase The Memorable Story / Write Your First Draft Program. If you feel you aren’t getting your money’s worth, let us know within 10 days of your purchase, and we will see to it that your money is refunded. No questions asked.

This is a risk-free opportunity to begin writing your first memoir draft with the support and guidance you deserve.

We are confident you will find the materials extremely useful as you launch your memoir writing.

The guarantee does not apply in those instances when the purchaser downloads the entire program immediately.