Memoir-Writing Help to Write and Publish Your Book
We are a “boutique” agency devoted to coaching, editing and writing memoir—your memoir. Our goal is to deliver you the memoir-writing help you need when you need it and as you need it.
We don’t just help you how to put words together—although we do that really well. What we do best is help you as a first-time, and possibly only-time, memoir writer to create a deeper, more meaningful memoir—from the inside out. (We’re effective with experienced writers, too!)
Who Seeks Memoir-Writing Help From Us?
- writers who’ve written a lot of words and know that their text just doesn’t add up to a book.
- writers who are spinning their wheels. Changing “house” to “home” and back to “house.” Frankly, they’re ready for substantive and perceptive feedback.
- writers who wouldn’t rewire their homes without checking in with someone who can show them how to best do the work. Expertise has its place!
- writers who don’t want to spend years and years writing. They want to get the task done quickly and well and then move on to some other project in their lives. (After all, most of our clients do not intend to morph into writers! What most of them have in them is one book—a memoir.)
- writers who want another pair of eyes on their memoir before they send it out into the world.
Our Track Record
Since the fall of 1988, The Memoir Network has been the best source of memoir-writing help available to help people to write interesting and meaningful memoirs. Not dull chronologies. Meaningful, interestingly told lifestories that portray lives with depth, fluency, and style. These are memoirs other people want to read.
We help you to write—as we call it—from the inside out. A new concept for you perhaps, but isn’t that how you lived your life—from the inside out? So why not write from your deep insights from the beginning of your writing process?
Over the years, a constant response to our inside out method has been the comment: “How did you know that about me?”
The answer was always the same: “I don’t know that. I just intuited what I just said. I sensed it was right.” This is what makes our work with you good—better than good.
Coaching editing, and teaching from the inside out works well.
With The Memoir Network, you benefit from the extensive writing and teaching experience of TMN founder Denis Ledoux, M.A. Ed., and of his team of accomplished, intuitive editors and coaches. Denis and his team are active writers immersed in their own memoir writing.
Our goal is simple: to provide you the best memoir-writing help available to get your book written and published. Whether the team coaches, edits, or ghostwrites, or executes your book production, they deliver “just in time” help to get you functioning at your best.
What You Can Expect From Us.
Our mission has never changed: We’ll provide memoir-writing help so you can create the kind of memoir you are dreaming of holding in your hands and giving to family, friends, and possibly the world—a meaningful, interesting memoir.
How did Denis know in 1988 that memoir writing would become so important? He didn’t—he just liked writing memoir and working with people who wanted to be writers of memoir. He was responding from the inside out.
At first—we’re talking ’90s here, people would say: “I may be crazy. I want to write my memoir.” But Denis knew that these people were not crazy. He knew these first-time memoir writers—and perhaps only-time book writers—were being impelled by a story-telling urgency that is as old as the impulse of our ancestors gathered around campfires to tell their stories.
Gradually, the public’s appreciation for memoir writing changed, and people who approached Denis began to express that it might be a normal activity to write a memoir—and The Memoir Network was there to show them how by providing the best memoir-writing help available on the net.
My book, The Legend of Barjo Restaurant / The Life of Josephine McAllister Stone, might never have become a reality if I hadn’t had the services provided by The Memoir Network. Through the guidance of Denis Ledoux and his team, my rough manuscript became a polished book of 416 pages with over 120 pictures.
Denis taught me so much about writing: the need to keep asking, “What is this really about? What do I really want to say here?” He helped me to respect chronology to better understand cause and effect, to make more effective transitions from one chapter to the next and how to “hook” the reader.
The Memoir Network guided me to heights I never dreamed of. Our work together has been a truly exhilarating experience. I recommend them highly.
— Emily Foster, Norway, Maine
The Legend of Barjo Restaurant
These Memoir-Writing Resources Are Available to You—Now
1. A Unique Blog
The Memoir Network is there for you. We have posted hundreds of informative articles about what’s best to do when you are writing a memoir—whether that is technical information like “how to plot a memoir”, or inspirational material like “how to stay motivated” or a fun piece of insight like “giving yourself a launch party.” And…
We’re not too humble to say we’ve got one of the best blogs for memoir-writing guidance you’ll find anywhere on the web.
And this is why we do this…
- The Memoir Network is not about writing technique without meaning.
- The Memoir Network is not about beautiful writing without soul.
- The Memoir Network is not about writing a chronology without insight.
You want to write about the bigger picture of your life. You need to understand all the facets of effective memoir writing—from pre-writing tasks to portraying vivid characters to polishing a last draft, and we cover the gamut on our blog.
Why not begin, complement, and/or finish your memoir education with us—much of it for free… and in the process learn to write from the inside out!
2. A Generous, Free Members’ Area
We offer more than an excellent blog. We also offer a free members’ area we call My Memoir Education. This basic membership extends the material you receive in the blog. You get ecourses, ebooks, MP3s and more. You can join today for free and combine what you learn from the blog with what you learn from My Memoir Education to begin to produce a unique memoir. It’s a great jumpstart. This is memoir-writing help you can use.
3. Extensive Tailored-For-You Memoir-Writing Help
In addition to the blog and My Memoir Education, you may need to move beyond our free material into one-on-one mentoring. This is available to you via editing, coaching, ghostwriting or book production. Our additional services for those who want more than free materials can provide is the best memoir-writing help available anywhere at any price.
If you want a comprehensive list of our services (both free and fee-based), this overview of The Memoir Network will inform you quickly about where you need to be to write your best memoir. That is, after all, your goal.
A Bit of History: The Memoir Network
The Memoir Network was founded in the fall of 1988 by Denis Ledoux. Denis has won awards for his writing: the 1989 Maine Fiction Competition and 1991 and 1996 Individual Writing Fellowships.
Over the years, we’ve been fortunate that people say a lot of nice things about The Memoir Network, about our products, about Denis and about our team of professional writers:
- Time Magazine included Denis in a roundup article on memoir writing in April 1999. Read the article in our In the News page.
- The Christian Science Monitor ran roundups and feature articles on Denis. Three times.
- Turning Memories Into Memoirs was deemed by Booklist (American Library Association) as “very beneficial…helps writers get off to a great start.”
- Rhonda Kanning Anderson, co-founder and president of the erstwhile premier scrapbooking company Creative Memories, said of our Photo Scribe: “The Photo Scribe has inspired me to a new level of photo-journaling. This practical step-by-stop guide can enable anyone to discover the depth of their memories.”
- Bottomline Publications acknowledged (in a feature article) Denis’s work as a memoir ghostwriter, editor and coach.
- The Cincinnati Post praised Turning Memories Into Memoirs / A Handbook for Writing Lifestories as: “…a step-by-step manual, lots of examples, a fine appendix and a detailed index, making it a useful reference over time.”
- Network founder Denis Ledoux has been interviewed on a variety of radio stations in cities as far flung as Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, Montréal. He has been interviewed by NPR affiliates as well as Radio Canada.
Your Next Step to Great Memoir-Writing Help
Browse this overview of The Memoir Network memoir-writing help and then choose what is best for you at this time.
A free consultation with Denis Ledoux is available if you want help to assess which option is best for you.
For an appointment, call 207-353-5454 or email at the contact address below.