Request your free proofreading consultation
We’re here to help by extending a free, 30-minute consultation to you. Thanks for reaching out to us.
This 30-minute proofreading assessment consultation is a time:
- for you to share with us what your preferences for diction, usage and styling are. You tell us such things as your preference for:
◦ dialect spelling,
◦ punctuation styles,
◦ tolerance for “widows” and “orphans.” - for us to assess how we can work together and share our recommendations with you. For this, we need to know such things as:
◦ do you want us to suggest changes or make changes in spelling, punctuation, word order, etc?
◦ what additional role would you like The Memoir Network to play in the creation of your memoir? For instance, would you like us to point out problems we may find in the story line? (This is really an editing function but clients have sometimes asked us to be attentive to this.)
Before you call

Note that this free proofreading assesment has value to you in as much as it leads to a productive collaboration between us to get your memoir ready for published or to a realization that this collaboration is not feasible.
Our services are billed at $95. Your time is valuable. If you cannot afford this fee, you would do better to consider other options.
During the call, we can provide estimated range of what your fee might be according to the info you provide. This estimate is understandably a “ball park” figure.
Here’s what to do next:
- email us for a free proofreading assessment and we will answer by email. Include three dates and times that work for you. We will choose one of your times for our appointment.
- call us at 207-353-5454 9 AM to 5 PM / ET and we will be glad to speak with you. If we can’t speak to you then, we will make an appointment. After hours, you can leave a message and we will get back to you asap.
We look forward to speaking with you.
Remember: whatever you do today, write a bit on your memoir.
Denis Ledoux and the Memoir Network Team