Write more quickly, more expertly and with more satisfaction! Learn Memoir Writing via proven long-distance programs.
Acquire a solid foundation for your memoir writing—at your own pace, in the comfort of your home. Start to learn the many faces of memoir writing today!
If you are serious about becoming a successful memoir writer (that is, published whether commercially or independently), you need to be serious about learning as much as you can.
Our site TheMemoirNetwork.com, the premier memoir-writing venue on the web, offers an abundance of skill-building options.
How can you go wrong knowing more about how to write a memoir?
We can say emphatically that you can’t!
Our experience tells us that the higher your skill level, the more easily and the more deeply you will write.
~ Do you want to jumpstart your memoir? It’s stalled, and you don’t know how to get it going.
~ You have written large parts of your memoir, but you know it needs fixing. How to do that?
~ You’ve written your memoir, but you know it needs something more. If you knew what and how, you’d already have done it.
The world of Memoir Writing is a much better place due to the enormous help Denis has given to thousands of people like myself. Thank you so much, Denis.
Which is best for you? Learn memoir writing via:
1. Your free options:
My Memoir Education
~ The My Memoir Education membership is free as it gets. There is no fee for this program which offers you much by way of long-distance learning: e-courses, e-books, interviews with master writers, whitepapers, bi-weekly Writers’ Guides (in-depth articles on the art and craft of memoir writing), and more. Learn memoir writing via this free membership—and you can’t beat the price!
I purchased Denis’ book, Turning Memories Into Memoirs, years ago but had lost track of it. I went online looking for it again and discovered his website and all its resources. Wow!
Ebooks and ecourses
~ The Start to Write Your Memoir program is a free five-lesson e-course delivered to your inbox that shows you where to start to write your story and how to remember more than you ever thought possible. You’ll learn to mine your photos, journals and other materials on hand to bring depth to your memoir as well as how to come to terms with disappointment and impatience. Start to write your memoir the right way!
~ The Memoir Writer’s Blog contains over 500 posts that are available to you as a member of My Memoir Education. The posts range from technical how-to posts, to tips for an effective memoir start, to how to deal with painful memories, to telling the truth, to almost anything you’d want to know as a writer from motivation pieces to excerpts of published memoirs. And it’s free.
~ The Memoir Professional’s Blog is geared to writers who are interested in teaching memoir writing in their communities. If you think you would enjoy sharing your writing gifts and experience with others and would welcome some heads-up with how to go about doing so, sign up to receive the free ebook, Jumpstart Your Memoir Business, and be alerted as new blog posts as they are published.
In addition to the book, you will also receive a ten-lesson program via email when you sign-up to help you launch yourself as a memoir professional. Don’t miss out.
~ 21 Must Do Memoir Writing Tasks is an ebook that fleshes out of the post How to write a memoir: Our 21 Best Memoir-Writing Tips to get you writing your memoir—quickly and well—and getting it into the hands of your public. It is available free on our site. With this freebie we do ask a return favor. We would so appreciate if you left a review on Amazon. Even a review as short as “This little book got me excited to write again” or “Denis Ledoux shows in this book that he knows his stuff” or even “Loved this.” Of course, if you want to write a longer appreciation, that is great too. Your help is so appreciated. This book is the lead to our Memoir Network Writing Book Series.
~ An excerpt from Writer’s Time: Management That Works. This is a program developed to help writers to master their time management skills. Even so short an exposure as this free download is sure to help you master your writing schedule.
2. Your fee-based options to learn memoir writing:
Our “free” is great—in fact, we call it “superior”—but “free” can take you only so far. For more, explore the following:
Our store:
~ The Memoir Store contains dozens of titles on the art and craft of memoir writing. Stock your ereader and / or bookshelves with quality memoir-writing titles.
Your books have given me a foundation in writing. They’ve taught me what to expect and how to go about writing.
Our programs & packages:
~ The Writer’s Time / Management That Works eprogram is geared to helping you get control of your time so that you maximize the quantity and the quality of your output. Creatives have different management needs than the businessperson. In this program, you are respected as a creative, and the guidance you receive in geared to your needs as a writer.
~ The Memorable Story / Write Your First Memoir Draft Program focuses on the basic building blocks of every memoir. Miss these and you miss your memoir. After completing this program, you will find that you write with confidence and greater speed. It is the foundational course if you wish to learn memoir writing.
~ The Memoir Start-up Package contains much that you will need to launch yourself on the process of leaving a meaningful written memoir. Writing a memoir can be a lengthy endeavor. Why not be good to yourself and invest in the strong foundation this package will provide. This collection includes Denis Ledoux’s Turning Memories Into Memoirs.
~ Develop Vivid Characters, a freestanding tutorial extracted from The Memorable Story / Write Your First Memoir Draft Program, offers a solid instruction on how to develop vivid characters that can be said to “live” in your memoir. It will help make your memoir truly memorable—and its characters will be a big reason people keep reading.
Our services:
~ While coaching, editing, and ghostwriting are not technically long-distance learning programs, working with a memoir professional will teach you much about writing. We are always amazed when we work with writers on their second memoir to realize how much more proficient and skilled they have become as a result of the teaching inherent in both coaching and editing—and so is the writer.
Consider coaching and editing not only as a way to perfect your story but also as a way to perfect your skills and learn memoir writing on a solid footing.
3. The Memoir Network on YouTube
For lots of audio memoir-writing information from us, be sure to sign up for our YouTube channel. CLICK HERE to visit The Memoir Network channel on YouTube.
4. Memoir Professional
The Memoir Professional Program is a proven, distance-learning experience. If you aspire to teach memoir writing, edit and coach—or are already doing it less effectively and lucratively than you had hoped, the materials in the Memoir Professional Program will help you to organize your effort and to make it a more lucrative and effective undertaking. Earn an income doing what your love. Certification is available.
Good luck, keep writing and be in touch.