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memoir writing program

Six Reasons to Join a Long Distance Memoir Writing Program

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Memoir writers—as all writers—work in isolation. When you join a memoir writing program—a forum, you not only get answers to persistent questions or reassurance to debilitating doubts, but you form community as you persist in the long, lonely task of writing.

Many of the biggest challenges facing memoir writers can be alleviated by joining a distance-learning writing program.

Your participation will convince you that you can succeed.

Memoir writers—as all writers—work in isolation. There are many times when a memoir writer would like to have a contact with a system that could help her/him to resolve a writing issue—whether it’s  a question of grammar, style, or structure.

If you were not a plumber, would you do the plumbing to your house without first learning as much as you could about plumbing?

Of course, you would want to inform yourself.

You might peruse YouTube, buy some how-to books on plumbing, give a call to a person who is a plumber to ask your questions.

Here’s how you as a new writer can follow the same process to write your first memoir draft.

By joining a top memoir writing program, writers get to:

  • learn the skill of memoir writing—its “best practices.”
  • benefit from a process of developmental self-critiques for their work,
  • receive the written counsel of a master writer who will share his writing experience with the newbie.
  • dispel the writer’s loneliness by forming a virtual community via recordings of actual classes, seminars and You Tube presentations,
  • access the so-important motivation their writing needs,
  • get answers to persistent questions or reassurance to overcome debilitating doubts without re-inventing the wheel.

The Memoir Network invites you to be part of its Write Your First Memoir Draft Program:

Perhaps you are, or you were, a nurse or a businessman or a housewife, whatever—and you’ve felt a stirring within—or perhaps it’s more of an avalanche—to write about something in your life, about some aspect that was perhaps unique or something that you handled well and would like to share with someone—even with the world.

You can write your memoir!

Thousands of people—just like you—have stood where you now stand and have wondered if they could write a memoir that would be interesting and meaningful, that would pull the reader through to the end and provide a glimpse of a life well lived—or at least well redeemed.

Writing a memoir won’t necessarily be easy, but by joining a memoir writing program, you can learn:

  • to navigate the ups and the downs of writing successfully.
  • to write an interesting and meaningful memoir to be proud of.

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You have choices to make your writing life easier. You can be part of our memoir writing program, the Write Your First Memoir Draft.

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