Writing Process Steps—Linger With Your Story
Many, and perhaps most, people write too fast. I don’t mean that they end up with a text characterized by sloppy grammar, spelling problems and chronology issues. No, what I mean is that they push through the process of writing their stories much too quickly. They end up with only a part of the story […]
Be a Better Memoir Writer with Deliberate Practice
Memoir writers can achieve much alone. But, it is also true that working with a memoir professional can cut down the time it takes to produce a book of memoirs and can significantly jack up the quality.
Help to Write My Memoir: Here’s What a Top Editor Does for You
What a top editor does for you. People often ask, “What sort of input does an editing client receive from her/his Memoir Network editor?” The answer, of course, varies according to the client. No two receive the same response. We always individualize. You persist in asking, “Yes, yes, but what sort of manuscript input can […]
Show Don’t Tell Your Characters, or Don’t Describe Your Characters–Show Them!
The old adage “Show your story rather than tell it!” is as true as ever. It is one technique that will always improve your writing…
Five Tips for Avoiding Vagueness in Your Memoir
Do you struggle with vagueness in your writing? Here are 5 tips for writing clearly and vividly to help you avoid vagueness in your memoir.
10 Ways to Stop Writer’s Block
Why should writers have writer’s blocks? Do plumbers have plumber’s block? Do accountants have accountant’s block? Stop writer’s block now.
You Don’t Have to Rush To Complete a Memoir
You don’t have to rush to complete a memoir, but taking these action steps will keep you writing until you finish your memoir.
12 Reasons People Quit Writing a Memoir
Have you quit writing your memoir? Why? What would help you keep writing? Here’s a list of reasons why people quit writing a memoir.
Self-Editing Tips for Memoir Writers
Follow these self-editing tips to save time (and mistakes!) on your memoir manuscript before you send it to a professional editor.