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Archive | YouTube Videos

You can now access our best memoir-writing blog articles as YouTube videos. These videos bring you the most read and the most important posts on our site’s blog archives.

A different medium

Many people learn well—and perhaps best—when accessing information both in writing and by listening. For these writers, our the Memoir Channel is an excellent learning vehicle.

Others find that using YouTube videos as a review is what works well for them. Each of us has to review material many times before we really master it. Our YouTube channel not only contains videos and the spoken word but also contains links to the print article. Now that’s an opportunity to review material many times.

Still others listen to posts of YouTube as their primary source of information as they do mindless chores at home or while driving. It’s part of their Automobile University curriculum—and it can be part of yours, too!

What we have included so far

In this “YouTube Videos” category, we include a number of our best blog articles—that is, the most read. (As far as we are concerned, all our posts are “best blog articles!”)

These videos we feature do not have an organizing theme other than they are among the most read and the most important to helping people. It’s reasonable to presume, moreover, that you, as our other readers, will find these YouTube videos very useful.

In conclusion

Once you are on YouTube, please “like” the post. This will give both the post and the YouTube Memoir Channel ranking. This ranking will lead to more people viewing the posts as YouTube moves them up in its listing.

your life as a myth

How to Write Your Personal Myth Into Your Memoir Part 1

Your life as a myth–is your life determine by the myths you live by? Myths are the stories we create to express how we perceive the world and life. How we live our lives is determined by the myths we live by, but our lives also reveal our myths to ourselves and to the world.

best ways to promote your book

Best Ways to Promote Your Book

Once you have diligently followed the suggestions for publishing your book and your book is published, it’s time to enjoy being a “famous author” and start promoting your book.

writing prompt

Use This Instead of a Writing Prompt

A writing prompt in my estimation leads to nothing. I’m not a great fan of a writing prompt. Sure, they get you to writing something. And many people will insist writing something is better than writing nothing. Well, I’m not so sure of that.

The Memoir Network

Three Tips For Creating an Effective Writing Schedule

You’ve already taken several steps in lifewriting. You have begun to write your stories and memories. perhaps the summer got in the way of your perseverance or perhaps it was something else–an illness, a temporary job, travel. Now you need to recommit to memoir writing by creating an effective writing schedule for yourself.