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What to Do to Stay in the Memoir-Writing Conversation—And Why it’s Important.

Keeping The Memoir Writing Conversation Going Can Be Difficult Unless You keep Yourself Motivated. Without motivation, you will stop writing. Period.

Here are suggestions I hope you will find helpful to “keep your nose to the grindstone.”

1. Read professional writing journals.

Poets and Writers is good motivation from cover to cover. Other people read The Writer’s Digest or The Writer.

I receive the Maine Writers and Publishers Alliance e-newsletter—The Peavy—every week. It’s a membership newsletter and comes chock full of news about what other writers are doing, readings schedules, and announcements of book publications. If you have an ounce of competition, knowing what other writers are doing can be an stimulation to write so as to be in the game.

Do you have a favorite publication?

2. Read memoirs.

I love to read memoirs and personal essays. (Surprise! What else is new?) I find that reading a memoir stimulates me to emulate.

Generally, I choose to read titles in topics that interest me or which are connected to my own memoir writing in theme or setting or action. I urge you to do the same.

3. Listen to MP3s on memoir writing and writing in general.

Our own site has many MP3s for both sale and for free in in the free membership area. [The last link leads to a trail for becoming a free member.]

The National Association of Memoir Writers also offers many free downloads as well as ones to purchase.

Doing a search engine query will revel other material.

4. Rereading your manuscript also will stimulate you.

My manuscript moves me to write more. I am generally pleased when I reread a text to find myself wanting to share more. Some people my be afraid that they will be disappointed in what they reread what they have written, but that is not the case with me.

The same goes for reviewing my journal. I find my words stimulating me to write more.

5. Visit writing blogs to learn from what others are doing.

There are too many to name but Kathy Pooler’s Memoir Writer’s Journey is a fine one. So is Wayne Groner’s and Madeleine Sharple’s. You can do a search engine query to find additional blogs.

6. The Lifewriter’s Digest

For readers such as yourself, my e-newsletter, The Lifewriter’s Digest, is a biweekly reminder to help you to stay in the conversation.

The Lifewriter’s Digest comes with 28 lessons spaced every two weeks and is a dynamite source of writing inspiration.

7. The Write Your First Memoir Draft Program.

This is an eleven module program that includes text, MP3s, affirmations, and exercises. It is designed to create a solid understanding of the basic elements of writing.

Too many writers lack basic comprehension of what writing a memoir involves. The program fills in gaps and launches you to write your best memoir.

Check it out here.

In conclusion

Do you have suggestions for staying in the memoir writing conversation or for change to this list? Please drop me an email to tell me about them.


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