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Archive | Memoir Writer’s Blog

The Memoir Writer’s Blog is our on-line magazine. It contains a collection of over 500 stories and articles to inspire you to be a better and more prolific writer and provides the technical knowledge and practice to make this happen.

You can make a success of your memoir writing.

We ought to know: we have worked with thousands of people and have been centrally involved in the production of hundreds of published memoirs.

We’re not going say it’s easy to write a memoir, but we are most definitely going to affirm that you can do it. Huge numbers of people write and finish their memoirs every year. Many have gotten their start by studying the Memoir Writer’s Blog. These people are, for the most part, just like you, people who started to write one day and persevered to the end.

I have learned so much from your blog. There is content for every issue and need a writer might have. Thank you for being so generous with your information.

—Mark Manzone

a memoir writer who is still at it!

Let the Memoir Writer’s Blog—which is our online magazine as well as our online memoir university—help you start, write, finish and publish your memoir as it has helped many others. Go from wannabe to published writer.

Just-in-time learning

The beauty of the Memoir Writer’s Blog is that you can access the information as you need it. Our blog is “just in time learning” at its best.

Before you know it, you will have a memoir in hand—a memoir that you will be proud to share.

If you want to know about what other services we provide besides the Memoir Writer’s Blog, click here.

NB: We also offer a Memoir Professional Blog for people who wish to teach, coach, edit or ghostwrite memoirs.

Memoir Writer’s Blog Posts

working with a writing coach

When Should You Start Working With a Writing Coach?

When is the best time to start working with a writing coach? The obvious answer is when you feel the need to, but “the need to” is not always obvious. Many times, writers will decide that they need to submit polished material to a coach and so will put off the coaching process. This is […]

your life as a myth

How to Write Your Personal Myth Into Your Memoir Part 1

Your life as a myth–is your life determine by the myths you live by? Myths are the stories we create to express how we perceive the world and life. How we live our lives is determined by the myths we live by, but our lives also reveal our myths to ourselves and to the world.

The Memoir Network Ghostwriting Services

Memoir Ghostwriting – How Much Does It Cost?

Working with a memoir ghostwriter is a viable option if you choose not to write your memoir yourself. Depending on the length of your memoir, it may take months and even years to complete your book. Understandably, people want to know how much memoir ghostwriting will cost. Here are a few considerations for you to […]

the best memoir writing book

Write A Better Memoir: 10 How-to Tips

Writers ask me what they can do the most easily to write a better memoir. While I can understand the wish to write more quickly and easily, I’m going to share with you that writing a better memoir needs to be done slowly and thoughtfully. A rushed job is probably going to be a botched […]

memoir writing deadline

Memoir Writing Deadline: How To Set Yours

When you write as an open-ended task without setting a memoir writing deadline, you are likely to procrastinate and extend the project. What happens when you do not set an end date is, next year or the year after that, you are still writing, revising, and polishing your lifestory. You know how it is: you […]

distance learning

Distance Learning: A Precious Opportunity

For most emerging writers, enrolling in an adult-learning program is an exciting experience. At long last, for a period of time that is long enough to make a difference, you have the opportunity to immerse yourself in learning the “best practices” of the writing craft that you has been so wanting to learn for a […]