We writers can spend a long time writing and polishing our memoirs, but when it comes time to promoting our magnum opus, we fail to invest enough energy to bring that same book to the attention of the public that might want to buy—and—read the memoir we have labored to bring into the world. Marketing a memoir is key here.
I know one man who has written twenty books‚ but does not promote them. None of them are reaching much of an audience.
He loves to write books and loves to think of himself as a published writer—with 20 books no less—but I don’t think he is being read.
On the other hand, I want people to read what I have written. I want to earn income from my work. That is why I believe in marketing a memoir until it reaches its intended audience. Without a readership, I do not feel satisfied as a writer. I am, after all, in a conversation with a reader.
The articles below give you many ideas for marketing a memoir It has long been my belief that the public reading is an effective means of doing so. It is likely that your memoir’s prime audience is local (hometown, state, region) or group specific (retired ministers, parents of a suicide, travel photography). These audiences are well reached through a reading at one of their venues—physical or virtual.
But there are many other ways of marketing a memoir. These include guest blogging, interview articles, Facebook and Twitter outreach, and paid advertising among others.
I hope the posts below will stimulate you to organize your efforts of marketing a memoir.
Sit in on this Virtual Memoir Tour
Today, I am urging you to sit back and enjoy this virtual memoir tour in which I read an excerpt read from my memoir French Boy/A 1950s Franco-American Childhood. Here’s some necessary background: I did not learn English until I went to grade school. My brother had preceded me in school where he had learned […]
This is how to market a memoir!
You’ve written your memoir, or are perhaps still writing. The art and craft of writing a memoir are foremost in the creation stage but there will come another stage afterwards that is to commit to market a memoir you have written. I will share a process of reaching as large an audience as possible for […]
Surviving Childhood Abuse: a Neglected Child – Part 3
In this third interview, Denise Brown continues to share her experience of writing Transcending Darkness: A Memoir of Abuse and Grace. This is a startling tale of a neglected child —of an entirely neglected family. To read Part 1, click here. For Part 2, click here. —DL DL: How do you recommend people deal with sensitive […]
Surviving Childhood Abuse: Overcoming Trauma- Part 2
We continue our interview with Denise Brown about writing and publishing her book, Transcending Darkness: A Memoir of Abuse and Grace. Hers is a heroic story of overcoming trauma. To read part 1, click here. To read Part 3, click here. —DLDL: You must have had periods of time in which you were discouraged or, […]
Surviving Childhood Abuse: A Writer’s Experience
Congratulations to Denise Brown on the publication of her book, Transcending Darkness: A Memoir of Abuse and Grace. I recently had the opportunity to interview Denise about her experience writing her book on surviving childhood abuse. I am pleased to share her experience. To read Part 2, click here. To read Part 3, click here.—DLDenis […]
How I Launched Myself Publicly in the Creative Life: I Publish a Book
“Is it possible to support myself in the creative life?” you ask.One day in 1988, I stood in front of a door, on the other side of which was a group of Foster Grandparents. I had in hand a copy of my recent collection of autobiographical short stories What Became of Them and Other Stories […]
5 Fundamental Steps of Online Memoir Promotion
Promoting books online is one of the most stressful tasks for authors. At its core, it’s about informing people why they should buy your book, and giving them an easy way to do so.
Overwhelmed by Book Marketing During a Pandemic? Use These Tips to Connect with Your Target Audience During Uncertain Times
Book marketing during a pandemic can be challenging for memoirists. These six tips will help you target your audience so you can connect with them better.
Sell Your Memoir to Your Intended Audience: 4 Tips
An important first step to sell your memoir is to identify your intended audience. This will affect what you include and the manner in which you write it.