Overwhelmed by Book Marketing During a Pandemic? Use These Tips to Connect with Your Target Audience During Uncertain Times
Book marketing during a pandemic can be challenging for memoirists. These six tips will help you target your audience so you can connect with them better.
Writing During An Illness
“Writing is a way of processing our lives. And it can be a way of healing.”~ Jan Karon Most writers write because not writing creates distress. I speak for myself when I say, if I don’t get my quota of writing in during the day, I am up half the night, unable to sleep for […]
Memoir Writers Are Masters Sculptors, Part 2
7 Techniques for Finding Your Story Structure In Part 1, we discussed how memoir writers are like sculptors. Today, I will share a few techniques I learned and used to find the story structure for my memoir, Ever Faithful to His Lead: My Journey Away From Emotional Abuse.
Memoir Writers are Master Sculptors, Part 1
As authors, we are artists and we create masterpieces through our words. Here’s how as memoir writers are master sculptors. With the recent launch her first memoir, Ever Faithful to His Lead: My Journey Away From Emotional Abuse, Kathy Pooler is reminded that the process of envisioning, carving, chiseling and shaping our book can be […]
8 Lessons Learned on My Memoir Writer’s Journey
Memoir writing is hard work. I know because I have been writing mine for the past five years. Ever Faithful to His Lead: My Journey Away From Emotional Abuse is now in its final editing stage. My goal is to publish it through a small publisher by December 2014.I started writing vignettes about twelve years […]