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Archive | Interviews with Memoir Writers

Over the years, we at the Memoir Network have helped many, many people to turn memories into memoirs. It has been a labor of love—sometimes we sent a shower of kudos, sometimes of tough love. As a result of this collaboration, we now have many shelves of books we have midwifed into existence and are able to offer you interviews with memoir writers who have been successful in producing interesting and meaningful stories.

Our many questions

How appropriate then to have a series of interviews with memoir writers whose books have brought them the satisfaction and audience they so desired.

What was it like for them to write? What were their hard moments? How did they reach their audiences? How were their books received? What would they do differently next time?

We hope to support you, too.

We hope this series will not only honor the many writers we feature in these interviews with memoir writers but support you in your own writing efforts so that, one day, you, too, will be a featured in this series of interviews with memoir writers.

Writing need not be accepted as a lonely and isolating experience. It can be that and much of our writing time is spent alone, but we can also participate in a community of writing that is available at such places as on this blog. This series of interviews with memoir writers is an excellent opportunity for you to join a community, a fellowship, that will keep you energized. If these people could not only write and publish a book but reach an appreciative audience , then why couldn’t you—someday, sooner than you now think possible.

In conclusion

To read the stories written by many of the people included in “Interviews with Memoir Writers,” visit the Anthology of Memoir Writing.

write a successful memoir

How to Write a Successful Memoir: With No Extraordinary Power

Mary Ellen Ellwell was a writing client with whom I especially enjoyed working. She brought to the relationship a sense of the value of collaboration. This made the time together a creative one for both of us as we worked together, first with coaching and then with editing—the two often not separable—to write a successful […]

how to write a successful memoir

How to Write a Successful Memoir: Digging for Treasure

Today’s successful memoir writer is Jean Crichton. Jean attended the very first national workshop that I organized in 2000. From that time, we developed a strong working relationship via coaching and editing. She was one of those writers who was an absolute pleasure to work with. To read other interviews For the most recent interview with […]


How to Write a Successful Memoir: It Can Happen to Any Family

Today’s writer is Cindy Doucette whose book is It Can Happen to Any Family. On August 22, 2012, we printed a testimonial written by a young person who was in the correctional system and who wrote of the influence Cindy Doucette’s book had on her. Our last interview was with author Peggy Kennedy. If you haven’t read it, click here. Denis […]


How to Write a Successful Memoir: Approaching Neverland

Denis Ledoux: Can you tell our readers what your successful memoir is about and why you were impelled to write it? What was driving you to spend the time, energy and money to get this book out into the world? Peggy Kennedy: The name of my book is Approaching Neverland, A Memoir of Epic Tragedy […]

The Memoir Network

How to Write a Memoir – An Interview with Libby Atwater, Part 1

Here’s a recent discussion we had with Libby Atwater who began telling people’s stories professionally after a career in education. As a writer and editor, she has worked for individuals, families, businesses, nonprofits, universities, and community newspapers. Tales from her life have been published in several anthologies. Her memoir What Lies Within covers her first […]

The Memoir Network

How to Write a Memoir – An Interview with Libby Atwater, Part 2

Here’s the second half of my recent discussion with Libby Atwater who began telling people’s stories professionally after a career in education. As a writer and editor, she has worked for individuals, families, businesses, nonprofits, universities, and community newspapers. Tales from her life have been published in several anthologies. Her memoir What Lies Within covers […]