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More memoir-writing resosurces

More memoir-writing resources at The Memoir Network.

Recently, we sent our  list of free resources. “Free” is great—in fact, we call it “superior”—but “free” can take you only so far. For more memoir-writing resources, explore the following.

Your fee-based options to learn memoir writing:

Our store:

~ The Memoir Store contains dozens of titles on the art and craft of memoir writing. Stock your ereader and / or bookshelves with quality memoir-writing titles.

Your books have given me a foundation in writing. They’ve taught me what to expect and how to go about writing.

Our programs & packages offer more memoir-writing reosurces:

~ The Writer’s Time / Management That Works eprogram is geared to helping you get control of your time so that you maximize the quantity and the quality of your output. Creatives have different management needs than the businessperson. In this program, you are respected as a creative, and the guidance you receive in geared to your needs as a writer

The Memorable Story / Write Your First Memoir Draft Program focuses on the basic building blocks of every memoir. Miss these and you miss your memoir. After completing this program, you will find that you write with confidence and greater speed. It is the foundational course if you wish to learn memoir writing.

~ The Memoir Start-up Package contains much that you will need to launch yourself on the process of leaving a meaningful written memoir. Writing a memoir can be a lengthy endeavor. Why not be good to yourself and invest in the strong foundation this package will provide. This collection includes Denis Ledoux’s Turning Memories Into Memoirs.

Develop Vivid Characters, a freestanding tutorial extracted from The Memorable Story / Write Your First Memoir Draft Program, offers a solid instruction on how to develop vivid characters that can be said to “live” in your memoir. It will help make your memoir truly memorable—and its characters will be a big reason people keep reading.

Our services:

~ While coaching, editing, and ghostwriting are not technically long-distance learning programs, working with a memoir professional will teach you much about writing. We are always pleased when we work with writers on their second memoir to realize how much more proficient and skilled they have become as a result of the teaching inherent in both coaching and editing—and so is the writer.

Consider coaching and editing not only as a way to perfect your story but also as a way to perfect your skills and learn memoir writing on a solid footing. They offer you more memoir-writing resources.

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