Helping you launch a better-crafted, deeper memoir into the world sooner
My team and I will help you write a memoir that will make your readers smile with pleasure and nod their heads YES! "What a well-written story," people will say to their friends.
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In this post, I am sending a link to a thought-provoking memoir review which was published recently in the Buffalo, NY, News.
The review questions the veracity of Coming Ashore, a new memoir by Catherine McClure Gildiner. I quote briefly to whet your appetite.
“I think a reader and a writer enter into almost a kind of a contractual understanding, and it starts with the genre,” said Mick Cochrane, a professor of English and director of the creative writing program at Canisius College. “If you call a book a memoir, the understanding is that to the best of your knowledge the facts, and what can be verifiable, are the truth. …”
A simple idea but a hard one, too. I wish you success in your writing.