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Tag Archives | motivation

finish line

Motivation Technique for Writing

All writers eventually need a motivation technique to spur them on to the finish line. They face the atrophy of motivation that seems to come with writing a long memoir over months and months and even over a period of time.  Let’s face it: writing can be hard and discouraging. The most interesting of topics […]

The Memoir Network

Is a Memoir Hard to Write—Yes, but You Can Do It!

A Memoir Can Be Hard to Write —But You Can Do It! Sometimes at the beginning of a workshop or of coaching relationship, people ask whether writing a memoir going to be hard. The short—but possibly intimidating—answer is: yes! The longer and more encouraging answer is: Yes, but you can do it!

Start Your Memoir Right

Is Your Memoir Worth the Time to Write?

“Worth the time to write?” I repeated—raising my voice into a question—when a man said Denis Ledouxto me at a conference where I was speaking that most people didn’t have a memoir that was worth their time to write. “Not only is every life worth writing about,” I countered, “but the writing of a memoir […]

Memoir Writing

Guest Blogger: 5 Suggestions to Help You Stay Motivated

It’s 10:00 a.m. “What’s next? How can I fit writing time into my day?” I ask, checking my day’s agenda in my head. Don’t make a busy day’s schedule a reason to not stay motivated to write. I’ve been writing memoir for over 10 years and have concluded the following 5 suggestions to help you […]