Kate Christensen talks about writing Blue Plate Special / An Autobiography of My Appetites and about writing in general.
In her memoir, novelist Kate Christensen, author of The Great Man and the The Astral Hotel, has undertaken to organize her lifestory around food. It is an interesting concept, a theme, around which to make sense of a lifetime. If the memoir is, as Rainer Maria Rilke said of poetry, a momentary order, then Kate […]
National Association of Memoir Writers Telesummit – May 3
National Memoir Writers Telesummit National Association of Memoir Writers is presenting their 10th Memoir Writers Telesummit—a free teleconference with experts in the areas of writing, publishing, blogging, and platform building—on May 3. Join the memoir writers telesummit for a great day of learning, exploring, and sharing passions about the ways that memoir writing and reading memoir […]

Guest Blogger: Three Elements Necessary to Blog A Memoir (Or Any Memoir)
Many writers would like to write or blog a memoir. It’s not that different than writing or blogging a novel, except, of course, you are blogging or writing about your own experiences…