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Archive | Launch a Memoir Practice

Do want to launch a memoir practice as a workshop presenter? Great! This will require that you stop thinking and talking about it and do it.

For starters, here’s your preliminary to do list:

  • set a start date for your memoir-writing business.
  • obtain a venue if you are presenting a workshop,
  • publicize your program so that people know you have a service to offer
  • participate in social media or write a press release or blog post.

Source materials

The posts in this sub-section of the Memoir Professionals category are either excerpted or inspired by the extensive manuals we have prepared and offer elsewhere on this site to help you launch a memoir practice.

It is possible to earn an income—full-time or part-time—as a Memoir Professional. Of course, you may not be interested in earning an income and many people who take up this work are retired or have other sources of income. But…

I am incredibly impressed at how thorough and valuable these materials are.
Sue Mitchell, Memoir Professional
An Untold Story, Grand Junction, Colorado

Income is available

If you are hoping to derive income from this work, that is possible. You do have to take memoir work seriously as a business. That is, when you launch a memoir practice, you will have to invest your attention and thoughtfulness.

In conclusion

In many instances, to launch a memoir practice it will require that you do planning and marketing and other forms of outreach. The posts below offer you useful, proven strategies for doing just that.

launching memoir teaching

Launching Your Memoir Teaching – 6 Steps To More Success

Many memoir writers secretly, or not so secretly, want to help other people to write their memoirs. Sometimes they do this informally with a friend or two, and at other times, they get a bit more organized and offer a class at a library or other institution. One thing is certain, launching your memoir teaching […]

Teaching Memoir Writing

Teaching Memoir Writing – 3 Tips For Making Your Vision Real

Teaching Memoir Writing – Your Vision Can Become Real Writing a vision statement can be stimulating for you as a teacher. Your memoir writing company’s vision statement is a personal reminder you make to yourself about how the work you are planning will sustain you emotionally and make you into a better person. A vision […]