Press Release: French Boy / A 1950s Franco-American Childhood by Denis Ledoux
NOTE: You are invited to the book launch for French Boy! The links to attend live or via Zoom are at the end of this press release. Re: French Boy / A 1950s Franco-American Childhood / Denis Ledoux, Soleil Press, 2024, 345 pages, photos, $19.95. Contact: [email protected] Release date: October 16, 2023 “It was a […]
How to Market Your Memoir Through KDP Select
Writing a memoir can be a pretty arduous task — dredging up old memories, mining complex emotions, and trying to frame your experiences in a way that will engage and provide value to readers. It’s no wonder that most authors, having finished their memoirs, feel like the hard part is over and they can finally […]
Best Ways to Promote Your Book
Once you have diligently followed the suggestions for publishing your book and your book is published, it’s time to enjoy being a “famous author” and start promoting your book.
What an Author Needs to Bring to a Book Launch–What You Need to Organize a Book Launch
The Memoir Network has participated in a number of book launches. Here is a distillation of what has made these launches successful. Follow the tips below to organize a book launch.