This option includes French Boy and We Were Not Spoiled—both good reads in themselves and together they are a dynamite addition to anyone’s bookshelf. The link will send you to Amazon {I know, not exactly small business but they are the printers and distributors of these books] so we can’t give you a discount per se but we can offer you the e-versions to both books for free in lieu of a discount. Just send us the receipt of your purchases and we will expedite the e-books.
French Boy / A 1950s Franco-American Childhood
French Boy is a memoir that many will identify with—from the mémère whose stories dot the memoir to the dedicated nuns at the Catholic school who lead the children in Marian devotions to mon oncle, the priest.
French Boy chronicles the life of a Maine Franco-American born in 1947 at the French hospital to his entry into the seminary at age 13.
This is a book that seeks however to go beyond the familiar and easy references to Franco life—pea soup is not mentioned once. Instead it plunges into feelings of loss and alienation, of shame and struggles, of a search for a firmer identity.
We Were Not Spoiled / A Franco-American Memoir
We Were Not Spoiled chronicles the life of Lucille Verreault Ledoux, a Mainer born in 1921. Born and raised in Lewiston, her life is typical of many Franco-Americans of her generation and, as such, is an important addition to our understanding of Maine’s ethnically diverse communities in the last century.
This version includes many photographs that are not found in the Kindle/Nook versions.
206 pages
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