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French Boy is ready for review!

French Boy book cover

The launch date for my memoir French Boy / A 1950s Franco-American Childhood is set for October 16, 2023. French Boy is both the story of my childhood and of the culture I grew up in. Like all good memoirs, it is a personal account and it is set in a context of history and community.

Please join my street team!

I am looking to have 50 (well, actually 100!) reviews of the book available on on or soon after the publication date (October 16, 2023). Reviews have a direct correlation with the amount of in-house support Amazon contributes to a book. That in-house support is predicated partly on the number of high-star reviews (which also have a relationship to sales). I would love to have French Boy hit the top 100 in memoirs—it can be done.

I am asking you for a thoughtful four- or five-star review of French Boy / A 1950s Franco-American Childhood. If you commit, I will send you a review e-copy. I ask that you leave your feedback/thoughts as a customer review on Amazon on or soon after October 16, 2023—the day the book is officially launched. (After you sign up to be a reviewer, you will receive detailed instructions on steps to take to submit a review.)

Once your review is published and you send us a copy, we will send a final, polished e-reader version.

I will send further emails to people who sign up as we approach the review date. These will have clear instructions on the next steps to take.

Sample chapter

Here is a published version of my Introduction which I called L’Arrière-plan to my Memoir. I have tweaked it slightly for the book but not appreciably. The biggest change is in the name. Last year, French Boy had the working title, Growing Up French.

I like French Boy much more. Do you?

What to do

  1. Sign up by clicking here to be on the reviewer mailing list.
  2. Read the book once it is sent to you.
  3. Write a four- or five-star review. Remember your review need not be long or detailed. An Amazon posting is not a New York Times book review. Any positive comment that might bring the book to the attention of readers will be appreciated. (I will send some samples of reviews in my guide emails.)

In conclusion

I hope you will choose to review French Boy / A 1950s Franco-American Childhood. I am hoping to have 50 to 100 reviews available to the public. Your help is important to the future of French Boy. I look forward to seeing your name on the review mailing list. Sign up now.Yours truly,
Denis Ledoux