When you’re writing memoir, the project typically starts with a burst of energy. “This is going to be a good piece of writing! What am I saying, ‘good?’
“It’s going to be great!”
So we write for a month or two or even three and the energy remains strong but…
There comes a day when the demon that plagues all writers raises its ugly head and snaps at you.
“What in the world were you thinking of committing yourself to writing this horribly insignificant piece! And worse yet, what were you thinking of alerting other people that you were writing a memoir? Now, they’re going to expect something and you’re about to make a fool of yourself!”
Or, something equally terrible and intimidating goes through your mind. When that happens, what do you do?
Keep Writing Memoir!
Work through your negativity. In most cases, if you don’t revisit your commitment but continue to write, you will work through the doubt and finish your memoir.
Sometimes “work through” is something you can do alone, but there are times when you could benefit from a memoir writing group or someone someone helping you with your writing.
Do you yearn for regular encouragement to persevere and for someone to hold you accountable for reaching your goals? For many writers, an ongoing memoir coaching relationship with an experienced writer may be what will see them through this trough of despair.
For others, it’s not coaching but memoir editing that proves most helpful.
Your own copy of Turning Memories Into Memoirs / A Handbook for Writing Lifestories will teach you much about memoir writing. Check the special hard copy and e-copy prices and bonuses. Many of our titles are available on Smashwords.
In conclusion
Your task this week: to identify those negative moments when you tell yourself horrible things, implement the supports you need and then…keep writing.
Remember: It’s not easy writing a memoir, but it is important work. Persevere.
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