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making vision and mission statements

Tips for Making Vision and Mission Statements for Your Writing Based Business

Making vision and mission statements will help you develop a clear, purpose-driven direction for your writing based business. Vision statements are your personal reminders about your work and mission statements tells how your business and product are helping your readers or clients. Both of these should be a part of your overall business plan.

Follow These Tips for Making Vision and Mission Statements

Your company’s vision statement is a personal reminder you make to yourself about how the work you are planning will sustain you emotionally and make you into a better person. Here are some ideas for writing a great vision statement. (No business venture should be without one!)

3 Tips For Creating a Great Vision Statement

  1. It is in your vision statement that your eros is to be found. What do you most want out of life? The vision statement is an opportunity to be lofty and idealistic or to be down to earth. It often contains abstract words. It can include both “to make the world a better place to live in” or “to enable me to be home when my kids return from school.”
  2. Your vision statement is personal and is not intended to be read by the public. It’s your reminder about why you wish to be in business. What personal goals do you hope to achieve or reinforce through offering writing services and/or personal history? Remember: this is the time to be soulful! While abstract words don’t make it in a mission statement, they do here. “I want to make the world a better place to live in” is perfectly acceptable.
  3. You can place it where you see it every day. When you get tired and feel like quitting, it can be what keeps you going.

Remember that running your own company can be a way for you to have a fuller life. The vision statement will make sure you don’t forget that.

4 Tips For Making a Great Mission Statement

Your mission statement tells the world what you want to do via your writing-based company and what product your writing business plans to deliver to the public. Here are some suggestions for writing a great mission statement.

  1. A mission statement ought to be characterized by clear, purpose-driven language that utilizes behavioral terms. The following is a working mission statement: “The XYZ Company helps people write personal and family stories.” Avoid using intangible (non-behavioral) words like “excellence” and “help people appreciate.” They can mean too many things and so can end up meaning nothing.
  2. It ought also to include a mention of your products. Since a company does well (especially at its beginning) to deliver a small number of products, plan to develop and then list no more than three-at most four-products you intend to offer the public. Ideally, it is possible for a client to buy several of your products consecutively or as a bundle. XYZ’s mission statement could go on to say: “We do this via books, workshops, tele-classes, editing, coaching, co-authoring and book production services, and teacher training packages and programs.”
  3. It ought to be brief. If you use more than 15 words to make a mission statement, rewrite it with 15 or fewer words. This is not an essay but a sort of slogan.
  4. It ought to be a guide for making decisions for your company. Make sure it reflects what you want to do and be.

Do you have tips for making vision and mission statements for a writing based business? Share your ideas and experiences in the comments below!

Good luck with setting up your company.

One Response to Tips for Making Vision and Mission Statements for Your Writing Based Business

  1. thanks for the valuable information.

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