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Archive | Memoir Professionals’ Stories & Articles

Our Memoir Professionals are writers who have found a voice in creating their stories and books as clear in the following Memoir Professionals’ Stories & Articles Anthology

They have turned to teaching, coaching, editing and /or ghostwriting memoirs as a way of sharing their considerable skills and talents.

In this section, we are pleased to offer you an anthology of our Memoir Professionals’ Stories & Articles.

We have had Memoir Professionals from not only the US and Canada, but from countries as far flung as Australia, South Africa, England, Hungary, Israel, Zimbabwe, Ireland and Jamaica. While not all have submitted stories to the blog anthology, all are people who love to write.

In conclusion

Perhaps you are a writer who has wondered how to share your love of memoir with others. Besides publication which is a primary contact source with an audience, we feel that teaching, coaching and editing are also very important in sharing our great love of memoir writing.

Visit our Memoir Professional home page right now.

The Memoir Network Evolved

How The Memoir Network Evolved

The Memoir Network evolved with thought. Its services—which are necessary for the success of writers and of the Memoir Network—grew regularly over a decade.

Memoir Writing Memories

She Loves Her, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Who were these Beatles, anyway? Everyone was screaming. Everyone, even Betsy, sitting next to me. Betsy was screaming her brains out. I stared at her in disbelief. But as I looked around Park Theater, the only movie theater in the Caldwells, the very green end-of-the-line little towns on the long boulevard that stretches from the […]

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Pudgy: A Childhood Memoir

When I was ten, I ran away. I packed everything that was important into my sturdy cardboard suitcase. I left a note on the kitchen table warning my parents not to look for me at the high-tension wires, those metal electrical towers that marked the back border of our property and which were in fact […]

childhood memories

Childhood Memories: The Price of Happiness

In 1953, we left our one-bedroom basement apartment on 7th Street in New Toronto to live in the small town of Tottenham, Ontario. We moved into a three-bedroom flat above a hardware store. There was no central heat or hot water, but I thought it was a palace…