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Blog Posts to help you create the best Memoir Professional business you can.

Memoir Professionals work in their communities—and worldwide thanks to the Internet—to help bring memoirs into existence. Each Professional, of course, endeavors to establish the best Memoir Professional business s/he can, but it’s not always easy.

Memoir Professionals lead workshops, coach, edit, ghostwrite and do book production.

I hope you read The Memoir Professional Blog—as a way to learn what goes into making a memoir business a profitable and enjoyable endeavor. These posts will create a context for you to delve into developing your business—starting today. Any one of the many posts on these pages can serve you as an entry point into boosting your business success.

What these posts will give you as you build the best Memoir Professional business

1. Regular, even daily if you approach it daily, inspiration and motivation to do the work of creating a memoir business.

2. Education in creating the process and the content of a solid memoir enterprise. This will permit you to enjoy the fruits of your labor: a profitable and enjoyable business.

This is what you need to do.

You can, of course, read The Memoir Professional Blog for entertainment, as a way of making a diversion for yourself so you don’t have to do the work of building a memoir business. That is not the focus of The Memoir Professional Blog.

We hope you will work everyday top making your business profitable.

We publish posts regularly on a variety of topics in these pages. Keep coming and keep checking the categories and tags for topics that will help you to succeed. Subscribe via the FOLLOW at the bottom right of the page where you find this entry. You will receive a notice of every new post.

In conclusion to how to create the best Memoir Professional business

The Blog Categories pull down menu and the Blog Tags on the lover right will help you find the posts of interest to you.

Keep working on your memoir business. Let this be the year you become a profitable Memoir Professional and create the best Memoir Professional business you can.


5 Questions to Accelerate Your Financial Success

Do you have a strategy in place for the financial success of your memoir business? Memoir work attracts idealistic people who often have few business skills. This article focuses on five skills-building questions a memoir professional ought to ask himself/herself to accelerate his/her financial success. They are five important questions but not necessarily an exhaustive list. (more…)

A Better Way to Teach Memoir Writing

Writers have been able to teach memoir writing from Memoir Network packages since 1996. The idea of creating packages started when people began telephoning us to ask if we could help them teach memoir writing. “I’d like to do what you do right here at home,” they’d tell us. At the time, we had no materials but, in 1996, I took four months out to write the two core manuals: The Curriculum Manual and The Presenter’s Manual. We are now in the process of a major update of the revisions of these texts.

By now, hundreds of individuals—600 and counting—have made great use of the materials to engage people in their communities in memoir writing. One could easily presume that 100,000 memoirs and lifestory collections have been written as a result of the memoir teachers we have helped launch. In the process… (more…)

Pay Attention–A Writing Based Business Launch Tip

Pay attention to your writing-based business. It is this practice of paying attention that will make the difference between your success and failure as a business person.

In today’s business marketplace, the quality of your work is a given. It is almost not something you can market-the public expects you to offer only. (more…)

Nine Tips For Making a Business Strategy Plan

Creating a business strategy plan takes time and focus but it need not be difficult. Much of the business plan info on the internet is intimidating and a waste of your time if you are a small outfit. A business strategy plan is much simpler and may be just what you need. It is essentially a “to do” list with a projected income attached to it: what you want to do, how you will do it, and by when. (more…)

Succeeding As a Memoir Professional – Filling the Pipeline

Filling the pipeline through marketing is not magic. It’s the measurable result of sustained outreach! Marketing is not rocket science. In many ways, it is an intuitive process that is constantly in need of a “reality check” from the numbers (ultimately of dollars) it generates. Your outreach is successful not because someone says you have a beautiful brochure or a great website, etc. Marketing is successful when it brings in paying clients. (more…)

Market to Pre-Qualified Prospects – Period!

It is important to market to pre-qualified prospects (people within your potential buying pool, people who have identified themselves as wanting your product). While some individuals in a church, a club, a benevolent association, or a school may have expressed general interest in your product, groups such as these are examples of lack of pre-qualification. You would be marketing to people the vast majority of whom are not potential buyers–nor will they ever be. (more…)