Congratulations to author Dennis Blue who received the 2019 Christian Indie Award in the business category for Through the Eyes of a Fisherman. Dennis is truly one of those authors who was a pleasure to work with. He brought much thoughtfulness to bear on his task, and we are so proud to see his efforts rewarded. I recently had the opportunity to interview him about his experience writing his recent books, Running the Good Race and Through the Eyes of a Fisherman. I am pleased to share his “One Memoir Writer’s Experience.” —DL
Talking with Dennis Blue about his writing
Denis Ledoux: Can you tell our readers what your book is about and why you were impelled to write your book? What was driving you to spend the time, energy and money to get this book out into the world?
Dennis Blue: My first book, Running the Good Race, is about growing up on a farm and learning religious values, my thirty years with Ford Motor Company, fourteen of which were living overseas and flying as a missionary pilot. My second book, Through the Eyes of a Fisherman, recounts my twenty-eight years as a charter captain, guiding fishing expeditions throughout the US and Central and South American while using my charter business as a ministry to witness to others about Christ.
DL: Can you tell us how long it took from the time you conceived the book to the time you had it published? How many years did you spend in active writing? Were there long breaks in between active writing periods? If so, what happened to get you writing again?
DB: Running the Good Race – 14 months. Through the Eyes of a Fisherman –10 months. I spent several hours each day researching and writing my books over a two-year period.
DL: You must have had periods of time in which you were discouraged or at least less enthusiastic. Can you tell us about how you kept yourself going? What worked for you?
DB: I had no periods of discouragement or slow down in writing my books. Having the support of a writers club and a writing coach is very helpful in keeping you motivated.
DL: Tell us what the theme of your book was. How did you come upon this theme? Do you feel you were successful in getting your theme across to the reader?
DB: Whether you are a person of faith, are looking to change careers or are needing a career after retirement, there are moments when you need some guidance in finding your purpose. I wanted my readers to discover a thing or two about pursuing their passions and overcoming whatever challenges come their way. Based on reader comments and reviews I believe my theme was well received by my readers.
DL: Is there anything in particular you would say was the most difficult thing to succeed at in this book? Was it scheduling, research, plotting, point of view, believing in yourself, or what else?
DB: I found writing the books to be the easiest and most enjoyable part of being an author. The successful marketing and distribution of my books are more complex and difficult.
DL: Was there a success trait you have discerned for the process of writing? That is, are there best practices drawn from “one memoir writer’s experience” you would recommend to readers that would facilitate completing her/his memoir?
DB: Initially, I had some self doubt that I would have the motivation to complete the task of documenting my life with old photos, family records and discussions with family and friends. The more I researched the past the more motivated I became. Once I started writing, it became a passion for me.
DL: What makes for a successful memoir? Do you feel your memoir was a success?
DB: Honesty. A desire to record and share an account of your life to benefit others. In my case to share my faith with others. I believe the books were a success because of the satisfaction I received from writing them and the feedback from readers. I have had moderate success with book sales, selling about 100 to date.
DL: How do you recommend people deal with sensitive material that relatives might take offense at?
DB: I was always cognizant of the feelings of those people mentioned in my books. What may appear to you as friendly teasing my not be taken so by others in the family or friends.
DL: Did you envision yourself as a writer before you begin this book? What is your identity as a writer now?
DB: No, I did not see myself as a writer, I had never written a book before. After two books and the tutoring/editing of Denis Ledoux, I now feel I have progressed as a writer.
DL: Will you write another memoir?
DB: I will not likely write another memoir but am now working on several short stories within the context of my life.
DL: How have people reacted to your book? What sort of feedback have you received?
DB: Reaction to my book has been totally positive and supportive from both people that know me personally and others that are complete strangers. This has been a delight for me and something I might not have expected from the memoir writer’s experience.
DL: Was selling copies important to you? If that was part of the memoir writer’s experience for you, what sort of outreach have you done to pursue sales: did you speak to groups, do guest blogging, do interviews, etc.?
DB: Selling my books was important but not my top priority. I wanted to tell my story to as many people as possible, however having income from the book is important to cover the cost of future marketing. I have advertised on social media, used giveaways, attended book expos, interviews and book signings and joined writers clubs and organizations.
Thank you Denis, it would not have been possible without you and the help of The Memoir Network team.
It was our pleasure. We hope your book continues to do well.