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Archive | Memoir Professionals

We call memoir professionals those individuals who are helping people to write their memoirs whether as a teacher of memoir writing or as a memoir coach, editor or ghostwriter.

A continuing trend

We’ve noticed—as you must have—that interest in memoir writing is running higher than ever. Perhaps you’ve asked yourself why shouldn’t you, too, capitalize on this fact to make best use of your talents and interest by helping people to write their memoirs!

Well, by helping people to write their memoirs, you can capitalize on this trend. There’s no reason you shouldn’t. Let the posts below inspire you to set yourself up to be a successful Memoir Professional.

In the posts below, you will find much information about how to launch and sustain yourself to be helping people to write their memoirs. The intent of these posts is to assist you in learning to be a contented and profitable memoir professional.

Denis Ledoux’s Memoir Professional materials are an excellent, comprehensive training focused on how to start and operate a memoir business successfully.

—Robin Waldron, Memoir Professional
The Write Source, Franklin, Indiana

A learning medium

These articles—plus our our university-quality training—will guide you in the process of becoming better at helping people to write their memoirs. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. We lay out here for you much of what we learned over a number of years.

Being a memoir professional requires adherence to some best practices of of business. Some things work and some things don’t! You have to learn the difference.

In the end, unless you are supported by a pension or a trust fund, you will have to make your helping people to write their memoirs support you. It can be done. Many others—just like you—have done so.

In conclusion

Good luck and let us know how helping people to write their memoirs has worked for you.

Teaching Memoir Writing

Teaching Memoir Writing – 3 Tips For Making Your Vision Real

Writing a vision statement about teaching memoir writing can be stimulating for you as a Memoir Professional. Your memoir writing company’s vision statement is a personal reminder you make to yourself about how the work you are planning will sustain you emotionally and make you into a better person. A vision statement is usually about the person writing it. (The mission statement, on the other hand, is about what you will give to the public.)

Here are some ideas for writing a great vision statement. (No venture should be without one!)

1. In your vision statement, your eros needs to be written large.

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Memoir Writing Memories

She Loves Her, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah

Who were these Beatles, anyway? Everyone was screaming. Everyone, even Betsy, sitting next to me. Betsy was screaming her brains out. I stared at her in disbelief. But as I looked around Park Theater, the only movie theater in the Caldwells, the very green end-of-the-line little towns on the long boulevard that stretches from the […]


There Goes The Neighborhood, Part 2

We had already witnessed the demolition derby over the snowy weekend between Christmas and New Year’s. We figured the upcoming motorcycle party couldn’t top that. The demolition derby started with the arrival of large trucks bearing strange cargo.

tractor mowing

There Goes the Neighborhood, Part 1

Gunnar was mowing his field. This was odd. He never mowed his field. He was making ever-tightening circles around the knobby acre, the sweet grass and raggedy weeds falling in neat windrows behind him.

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Pudgy: A Childhood Memoir

When I was ten, I ran away. I packed everything that was important into my sturdy cardboard suitcase. I left a note on the kitchen table warning my parents not to look for me at the high-tension wires, those metal electrical towers that marked the back border of our property and which were in fact […]

childhood memories

Childhood Memories: The Price of Happiness

In 1953, we left our one-bedroom basement apartment on 7th Street in Toronto to live in the small town of Tottenham, Ontario. We moved into a three-bedroom flat above a hardware store. There was no central heat or hot water, but I thought it was a palace, compared to the tiny apartment we had left. The centre of activity was the huge kitchen, where a massive Finlay wood stove kept us warm in the winter months. Pale green cabinets sprawled along the opposite wall. They came to an end at the four-burner Frigidaire range. Every week, my mother would get down on her hands and knees and apply a coat of Johnson’s paste wax onto the green-and-white checkered linoleum floor. When we arrived home from school, my brother Stephen and I would delight in wrapping old rags on our feet and “skate” all over the floor, bringing it to a glossy sheen. This was my mother’s Tom Sawyer act, and it worked every time. I have fond childhood memories of this time. [Free Membership required to read more. See below. ]

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grandmother story

A Grandmother Story: Nothing Broken

In this grandmother story, I look back on the life of my mother’s mother.

“Look at this,” my grandmother said. “Not a tooth broken.”

We kids looked at the comb. We were not impressed. This grandmother story had to offer more!

“I made this when I was 8 years old.”

I looked again. Now I was impressed. I was 8 years old, and I had no idea how to make a comb. This one was big, maybe eight inches long, thick and creamy white. Indeed, not a tooth was broken. It looked nothing like the flimsy black plastic one my father carried in his pocket. My grandmother kept this one in the top drawer of her dresser with her small assortment of jewelry. This grandmother story impressed me for sure. [Free Membership required to read more. See below. ]

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Depression story

My Grandmother’s Depression Story

The usual person gets four natural grandparents. Naturally, I got five. Or six. And for this Depression story, they were all in one body.

Both of my father’s parents passed away before I was born, victims of his absence during World War II as he fought the Germans on their own soil. My mother’s father died when I was six months old, a coincidence I believe, or so I have been told. [Free Membership required to read more. See below. ]

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