My Mother’s Stories is a category composed of short excerpts of a longer memoir, We Were Not Spoiled, written by me, Denis Ledoux, as told to me by my mother, Lucille Verreault Ledoux.
We two began collaborating in 2008 when my mother was still in her apartment which was about 60 miles away in Biddeford, Maine, from where I live in Lisbon Falls. On visits to her, I introduced the subject of collecting her memories into a memoir.
Creating certainty
At first, she commented, “Who will want to read my stories? What’s the point of writing them?”
“Well, right away, I can point to your family. We are interested in knowing more about you.”
She was not convinced.
Priming the pump of memory
To get the pump of memory for my mother’s stories going, I primed it by writing the stories I already knew. On a next visit, I would read these to her, and she corrected me on this or that point in my account. In that way, she got used to the idea of seeing her stories written and hearing them spoken to her.
Then, later, she began to contribute actively to the stories by thinking about them in between times, and when I visited, she would share a new story. As my mother’s stories added up, I would ask her for linking (or transition) details.
In this way, my mother’s stories came to be.
A Representative Franco-American woman
One of my goals was to write a story of a Franco “every woman” of the first half of the twentieth century.
Eventually my mother went into an assisted living facility. I was then that we finished collecting the stories.
After these stories of Franco-American life were published as a memoir, We Were Not Spoiled, in late 2013, she would sell books to visitors. Periodically, she would call me to say she needed more books.
Becoming an American—Why Not?
DL— Stories about immigration and citizenship form the backbone of our great American story as much today as in past times. My ancestors were among the millions who came here in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Here is an excerpt about becoming an American from We Were Not Spoiled, the memoir of my mother […]
My Mother Passes
On this blog, I have frequently offered excerpts of my mother’s memoir, We Were Not Spoiled. It has been such a satisfaction for me to have written her story and to have been able to hand her a copy. One day, after I had presented her with the hard copy of We Were Not Spoiled, […]
Uncle Pitou’s Migration to the US and Robert Is Born at Home
Not too long after I was born, my uncle Pitou Lessard (his name was really Lionel) undertook his own migration to the US from Canada, looking for work. Of course, he moved in with us. Today, people would say the apartment on Howe Street in Lewiston was too small to take in another adult, but […]
My Aunt Blanche, My Favorite Canadian Immigrant
During these years, Aunt Blanche Lessard lived with us. When she was in her early twenties, while we were still on Shawmut Street, she had come down as a Canadian immigrant, looking for employment and had moved with us to Jefferson Street. In Lewiston, she apprenticed as a hairdresser with a Canadian woman and eventually […]
Visiting My Parents’ Home Town, Thetford
It was my first time visiting Thetford since I was three. I did not remember anything from the first trip except being so pleased to sleep at my Lessard grandparents’ house. In my growing up, I had not had the luxury of staying over at a grandparents’ place as many other kids in Lewiston had.
Here to Stay: Developing Nationhood and Community in New France
Here to Stay: Developing Nationhood and Community in New France Here to Stay: Developing Nationhood and Community in New France is excerpted from my historical memoir Here To Stay. Here I write about my maternal ancestors Bartélémy Verreault and Marthe Quittel. As I recorded genealogical information—the births, marriages and deaths of my ancestors, I began […]
A Franco-American Memoir: April Fool’s Day
DL—The following excerpt is from We Were Not Spoiled, the Franco-American Memoir of Lucille Verreault Ledoux as told to Denis Ledoux. My Father Learns About April Fool’s Day Moving to Howe Street also meant that I lost my friends on Jefferson Street. I could still get together with Juliette and Jeannine at school but they […]
Albert and I Decide to Marry
In February of 1944, Albert was given a seventeen-day furlough and, during that time, we became engaged to marry. We did not set a date, but we talked of a wedding…
Getting My Dream Coat
From We Were Not Spoiled, the memoir of Lucille Verreault Ledoux as told to Denis Ledoux. My mother-in-law had a lovely black Persian lamb coat. It had large buttons that were very fashionable at the time. That coat was heavy and warm, and Mrs. Ledoux wore it everywhere. She looked good in it. Rhéa had a raccoon coat […]