A Warm Welcome to My Memoir Education Writing!
Getting Started with Our Memoir-Writing Programs
I am pleased to welcome you to MyMemoirEducation. You will find doing the work below to be an effective way to “stay in the memoir conversation.”
MyMemoirEducation provides an extensive education in the essentials of conceiving, writing, and publishing an interesting and meaningful memoir—and MyMemoirEducation mentors you free of charge. Because this is a comprehensive introductory resource, I’ve created this page to orient you to its possibilities.
The information is right here for you, at your fingertips when you need it and are ready to use it.
#1: Building your foundation
Every other week in your email box, you’ll find a key lesson on improving your writing.
These Writing Guides are designed to build a step-by-step understanding of the bedrock foundation for creating a memoir.
When I looked closely at what was working best in my own writing and in the writing of my students over the years, I found that success rested on four pillars:
- A strong relationship with your audience (these are the folks who will say, “I’ve been waiting for just this [sort of] book.”)
- Knowledge of technical elements of writing—grammar, style, structuring, etc.
- An understanding of the inner life of the writer. This is not just a story you are putting out. It is a relationship with yourself that you are exploring. Many memoirs are lost for want of understanding how a writer creates and perseveres.
- Skill at marketing your book—whether that involves selling your book idea to a traditional publisher or managing the publication process yourself.
Each pillar enhances the others. Together, they’re much stronger than they would be if any of the pillars were missing. They are all necessary to bring your idea through writing to the moment it arrives in the hands of the reader.
(That’s not theory, by the way. I’ve seen this is so with my own books and I have seen it so with writers I have worked for/with.)
We want you to succeed. That is whyMyMemoirEducation we provide you with so much up front.
#2: Memoir writing from the inside out
My Memoir Education encourages you to make use of your 24/7 access to the Memoir Writer’s Blog, the extensive memoir-writing “library” that continues to expand.
The blog is where you’ll find in-depth information on writing, polishing, publication—mostly indie publishing—marketing your book, and more.
This is where you can dive deeply into a topic at the time that’s right for you. So if you need to learn how to best rework a text, you can do that today, or next month, or two years from now. We’re ready when you are.
#3: Taking your education further
In MyMemoirEducation, we are giving you a wealth of information, and this may be everything you need to rock and roll in your writing. If that’s the case, that’s awesome! Please send me a copy of your published book to enjoy and mention on the blog. I’ve had some amazing success stories from people who have taken the free information and run with it … and I love it.
But some writers want to go deeper.
- They want the personal touch they can get from working with a memoir professional directly. Being in live contact can be catalytic.
- They need more in-depth “professional grade” education to achieve their writing goals.
- They would benefit from more personalized attention to their specific writing problems and challenges. They want to maximize their time investment.
- They want more information about their best publication options.
- They’re ready for interaction at a master education level on key topics like pacing and shaping a story, creating sustained imagery, or plunging into archetypal content. This is something a coach or editor can provide masterfully.
If that’s you, it sounds like you are ready to upgrade your relationship with us. We’d love to have you benefiting from one of our services. We offer:
- coaching to make it possible for you to develop your memoir quickly and effectively under the guidance of a coach.
- editing to give your memoir the polish it needs before going out to its public.
- ghostwriting for when you decide that your best option is to work with a professional writer to bring your story to its audience.
- book production to package your memoir professionally so that it will look its best.
#4: Becoming a Smart Memoir Professional
Some people enjoy the experience of writing their memoir so much and have gotten so much out of it that they want to share their love of writing with others. These are the people who decide to teach, coach, edit, or ghostwrite for others.
We help them with the free Smart Memoir Professional area which is analogous to MyMemoirEducation.
They get free e-books, MP3, and a 10-week course. After this, many decide to go even deeper and acquire the Memoir Professional Package. But we know this is not for every one. If this is for you, click here for more info. Memoir work is satisfying work.
What happens next?
Watch your email box for those core Writing Guides. They’ll give you a real grounding in how to make the most of your writing time. Each Guide will contain many links to articles from around the web. Many of those will be from the Memoir Writer’s Blog, but we’ll also include links to others who I think “get it.”
In addition to that, I’ll keep you up-to-date on the latest advice to refine your thinking, sharpen your tactics, and improve your strategies. That way you can keep your momentum going and keep writing, finish and publish your memoir.
Before you move on to other things today, allow me to make one suggestion: Add [email protected] to your email program’s “white list” or list of “safe senders” so you’re sure to get all of the lessons. If you don’t do that, some messages might end up in your junk folder. It happens all the time!
I am pleased to share your writing journey. I’m really looking forward to getting started with you, so let’s jump in!
A Road Map for Your Writing Journey with The Memoir Network.
Read and follow these steps as you launch yourself. Click here.
1. An e-Course on Basics of Memoir Writing
This is a five-part e-course that will help you to master some of the technical details of memoir writing.
In An e-Course on Basics of Memoir Writing, you will work with some nuts and bolts of the genre. Among the writing components every writer ought to master are:
2. Start to Write Your Memoir – an e-course
While this e-course is available outside My Memoir Education, we want to be sure you don’t miss it! To receive this free five-lesson e-course, SIGN UP HERE.
3. Motivation for Memoir Writers
A. Motivational e-Course
In all writing lives, a little rain may fall once in a while. This Motivational e-Course for Memoir Writers is geared to help you to take care of discouragement by “cutting off at the pass” negative thoughts and habits that may try to make their way into your writing life.
These are four modules you will want to read and reread and do the actions steps in depth.
Urge others to sign up for this e-course by becoming members of My Memoir Education.
B. Motivational Audio – Affirmations
This MP3 of Affirmations will help to reprogram your subconscious from “Can I do it?” to “Yes, I can!”
C. Motivational Affirmations – Wallpapers
These computer-screen wallpapers will also help to reprogram your subconscious well. Place them on your computer desktop today.
We offer much here in the My Memoir Education area, but if you want even more—including interaction with a mentor and other writers—check out the Write Your First Memoir Draft Program. This is a long-distance, internet-based opportunity to learn about memoir writing—and get a lot of writing done—in the comfort of your own home and at your own times. Registrations are currently being accepted.
4. Coaching with Memoir Writers
Here are three MP3s to sample what coaching would be like for you with one of The Memoir Network coaches. How much progress could you make quickly with a memoir coach and editor?
5. Three e-Books: One to Stimulate Your Recall, One to Help You Craft Your Memoir and One to Provide You With a Sample Memoir.
Writers need to be readers. As you read, you will learn more about the craft of writing. These thee ebooks are our gifts to you. More books are available at our store.
6. The Memoir Network Audio Library
MP3s on memoir writing from beginning to write to marketing your published book. Longer versions of these are part of the Write Your First Memoir Draft Program.
7. Next Steps
Keep checking this section for new materials that don’t fit in elsewhere, materials we feel can both motivate you to persevere in the memoir conversation and inform you in the elements of writing success.