Independent publishing is growing exponentially, but is it a viable option financially to self-publish your memoir?
Certainly, if you are publishing for family and friends and want only a few hundred copies or even fewer, to self-publish your memoir is the option of choice. But…
Is is a viable decision to self-publish your memoir if you hope to use it to launch a writing career, earn an income, support an existing career?
I think it is!
Am I justified in believing you can self-publish your memoir profitably?
I’m a great proponent of independent publishing, but am I justified in believing that it is a satisfying and rewarding path?
Here’s a link to a Digital Book World telecast of a panel discussing book publishing today. The panel is composed of traditional and independent publishers. Where can you earn more? Which option will lead to a wider audience? The answers may surprise you.
Queens College sociologist Dana Weinberg studies publication and offers data to support different positions. Hers is an interesting collection and interpretation of data necessary for you to make a best decision.
To make a better publication decision, access the free hour-long video.
What do you think: can you self publish your memoir profitably?
What are you going to choose—self-publication or traditional or publication—and why? Please leave feedback in the comments section below.
Accelerate your mastering-the-writing curve. Take advantage of all the resources in the Memoir Start Up Package. It comes with over $80 of bonuses. Click here for a complete list of package benefits available immediately to help you move your memoir along.
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