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write about love

4 Ways to Write About Love

Valentine’s Day! The perfect invitation to write about love…

What does Valentine’s Day mean to you? For me, it was an opportunity to think of the people I love. I sent greetings to my daughter, son and granddaughters.

I got to thinking about writing stories of our love lives. Where are the love stories in your life? Where to start? What to tell?

1. As always, write a Memory List.

The list is one of the most important tools you can use to facilitate and deepen your story. On page 41 of Turning Memories Into Memoirs, I include much information about writing a Memory List.

It was truly a gift to read Turning Memories Into Memoirs / A Handbook for Writing Lifestories at the very time I was beginning to write about my life. I was refreshingly surprised by its grounding premise that everyone has stories, and that with some tools, anyone who wants to can write. I have recommended your book to all my writing friends. 

— Maura Murphy

2. Include details that reveal character or personality. There is so much to write about so why not choose salient and pertinent details that reveal something essential about your loved one and about your relationship. The same is true about you and your role in that relationship. Details go a long way in showing your story and averting telling it.

3. Put in your doubt and difficulties with the relationship. Too many love stories are sugar coated and become hard to believe. It’s as if you are making something up and the reader is not about to believe you.

4. Submit your love story — and the moment when things changed — and share with your loved ones.

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