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market your memoir

This is how to market a memoir!

You’ve written your memoir, or are perhaps still writing. The art and craft of writing a memoir are foremost in the creation stage but there will come another stage afterwards that is to commit to market a memoir you have written. I will share a process of reaching as large an audience as possible for […]

find a best title for a memoir

Best Title for a Memoir: How to Choose

Writers ask me how to choose a best title for a memoir. Because I have worked with them, usually as their coach or editor and know their story, I am in a position to brainstorm with them to come up with a decent —and sometimes even a great—title for their book.Editor’s Note: This content is […]

memoir success

Memoir Success: Approaching Neverland

Memoir Success Over the years, I have worked with many writers to help them create and shape their memoirs. It’s my pleasure to bring to your attention once again the success of one such writer: Peggy Kennedy from San Ramon, California, for whom I had the pleasure of providing coaching and editing help that led […]

leading a conference workshop

Leading a Conference Workshop as a Guest Presenter

Participating in writing conferences, either as a panelist, lecturer, or as a workshop leader is a great way to get your name and book out in public and to network with other writers like you—especially when you are leading a conference workshop. Being a presenter comes with tasks, but the challenge is not impossible. I’d […]

audience for my memoir

Who Will Be the Audience for My Memoir?

Your memoir has a niche audience. Writers ask me all the time: “Who will want to read my memoir?” Recently someone said, ”My memoir is probably of no interest to you or anyone else. There is no audience for my memoir!” Wondering about the available audience for your memoir is legitimate and necessary. At the […]

Successful Book Launch

Preparing for A Successful Book Launch

I’m finished writing the text for my next book, A Sugary Frosting/A Memoir of A Girlhood Spent in a Parsonage. What follows is a synopsis of what I am doing to promote the book so that its natural audience is aware of it.

how to write strategically

Why You Should—and How to—Write Strategically!

We writers are artists. Most of us cultivate inspiration and are happy when we are under its influence. However, there is no one reading this who is unaware that writing can be pick and shovel work and it can be hard going sometimes—there are days when we would rather clean out the garage or the […]

memoir writing information

How to Have a Successful Book Reading–Author Book Reading Tips

You can have a great book reading by following several guidelines. I would call them best practices of doing a public reading of your memoir. They are now somewhat natural for me now but they were originally studied and rehearsed. You may know some of them intuitively and others you can learn.