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Archive | Motivation For Writing

You start with a burst of writing motivation. You are super energized! You have the best motivation for writing—ever!

“By gosh, this memoir is going to get written and it’s going to be good!” you tell yourself. And the writing flows for the first while. Your energy remains high. You write regularly and you think about how to make your memoir better and better. At last, you feel like you are a “real writer!”

Then, you stall.

A day—or two or three—goes by without any writing. Then that “not writing” repeats itself the next week.

“But that’s ok,” you tell yourself. “I’m just taking a few days off.” But…

The few days off eventually become many days off, and the memoir begins to seem a bit less interesting.

You realize you aren’t making much progress. You may even be losing the feel of what you were creating. Your commitment for writing your memoir is on the wane. You may ask yourself…

“Is this really worth my time to write?”

You have entered a dangerous path! It leads to quitting. Your motivation for writing your memoir is wavering. It is at risk of disappearing.

Don’t go down that way—at least for long!

If you want to renew your motivation for writing

Below are articles whose goal is to help you to sustain your motivation for writing your memoir for the long run of creating a memoir.

No one said it was going to be easy—just that you can do it. The fact is…

Many people just like you have written interesting and meaningful memoirs and so can you.

In conclusion

Keep your motivation for writing strong!

[watch this video for motivation to write your memoir]

picking up your memoir again

3 Tips for Picking Up Your Memoir Again—and Finishing It!

Have you struggled with picking your memoir up again and not quite knowing how to get back into it? Rather than castigate yourself, why not simply set some time aside to re-read your memoir? The following suggestions are from the Pick Up Your Memoir Again—And Finish It! a course on successfully dealing with writer’s block.

Work of Writing a Memoir

How to pick up and finish your memoir at last

There are writers stop writing and then do not know how to re-connect to the writing life. Writers who have stopped writing may want to write again, to pick up their memoir, but what has happened is that the train of thought, the feeling, and the sensibility that went into the creation of those previously-written […]


3 Tips to Help You Write Today and Everyday

All of us struggle to some extent to produce writing content. Writing is often difficult. It takes time and energy—both of which the laws of entropy suggest we ought to preserve. Here are a few writing processes to help you write today and every day. While the following are not exactly self-motivation, they have gotten […]


How to Make Writing Easier

Why is writing so hard? Why does what you want to write become so difficult the moment you sit down to write? Where are the words you need to convey the excitement or the dread or the anticipation. You are shocked to realize that what appears on the computer screen has no pizzazz! This is […]


Organize Your Memoir: Life Phases

Life phases are one way in which you can organize your memoir. Life phases are the emotional and psychological cycles or phases that have marked your life. They are a great tool to give depth and cohesion to your memoir.