Who should download Writer’s Time: Management That Works?
This is an excellent choice for you if you are:
- frustrated because you think you do not have enough time to write.
- prone to procrastination and are not producing text.
- crippled by perfectionism and suspect that perfectionism is working against producing a quality text.
- needing to learn new techniques for being more effective and efficient in your use of time.
- dissatisfied with working on a memoir for what seems like an exceedingly long time and would like to wrap it up in the near future.
Registration is now open.
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$39—A great value.
On sale for $19.95 October 9-25, 2024
Use Discount code: WT50
The Affirmation MP3s alone are worth more than the price of this time-management program. When you add everything else, you have a winner here. Register today.
For FAQ on the program, click here.
This is a time management program that focuses on the special needs of writers, but this program will not teach you writing technique nor how to polish a first draft. For that, sign up for some of our upcoming programs or visit our memoir store.