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memoir of a kidnapping

The Spirit of Villarosa: A Father’s Extraordinary Adventures / A Son’s Challenge

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Libby Atwater is a memoir writer and long supporter of The Memoir Network. It is our pleasure to share her excellent work with you. By Horace Dade Ashton and Marc Ashton with Libby J. Atwater When Marc Ashton was kidnapped at gunpoint in Haiti, he fought to survive. Accosted by four armed thugs, Marc realized […]

Libby Atwater is a memoir writer and long supporter of The Memoir Network. It is our pleasure to share her excellent work with you.

By Horace Dade Ashton and Marc Ashton with Libby J. Atwater

When Marc Ashton was kidnapped at gunpoint in Haiti, he fought to survive. Accosted by four armed thugs, Marc realized how life changes in moments. He made two promises: he would escape his captors, and he would tell his father’s amazing life story. I am proud to have helped tell the stories of both these men in this memoir of a kidnapping.

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