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show don't tell

Show and not Tell: Don’t Tell Us About Your Characters—Show Them Walking Across the Page!

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How many times have you heard “Show your story rather than tell it!” And, how many times have you gone right on and did a lot of telling! I know I have. “Showing” is one technique that will always improve your writing. I admit that there is some great writing that makes a precedent for […]

Show Don’t Tell Rules the Day!

How many times have you heard “Show your story rather than tell it!”

And, how many times have you gone right on and did a lot of telling! I know I have.

“Showing” is one technique that will always improve your writing. I admit that there is some great writing that makes a precedent for “tell,” but as a rule “show” is more effective.

Here are three “show don’t tell” ideas to improve your story—every time. [Free Membership required to read more. See below. ]

The Memoir Network blog reposting” width=And now this one thing…

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2 Responses to Show and not Tell: Don’t Tell Us About Your Characters—Show Them Walking Across the Page!

  1. Joyce Fishman August 15, 2010 at 6:54 AM #

    Hi Dennis,
    I enjoyed your teleseminar on building your business, and it was tremendously helpful in helping me refine a business plan, even though my plan is a slow one due to other responsibilities. I like the idea of just publishing a small part of my memoire and bind it, so I have something to give me authenticity. I have also started to rewrite the letter to Brenda which I sent to you, filling out scenes and fleshing out more of story, especially the show not tell aspect. Thanks for all your help. I’m looking forward to the class in Sept, and I will definately benefit from the first part of memoire writing class. I would also like to register for the class Aug 17 on Character development.
    Thaks again,
    Joyce Fishman I have 2 e-mails G-mail, and

  2. PatriciaD August 27, 2010 at 4:39 PM #

    Dennis, I don’t know if you remember, but I tried to attend the seminar and couldn’t get through. I have not seen, and it’s probably me, but I haven’t seen the recording yet. Is it available or will it be available soon? I’d REALLY like to hear what I missed.

    In addition to that I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate your mini lessons or posts. Sure do wish I’d heard some of that back in the dark ages…I mean when I was in school…hahaha!! THANK YOU!!

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